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NSPU and KazNPU named after Abai: the new vector of cooperation

On September 5 at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University made a working visit the deputy head of the Rector apparatus of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Galina Tsyrenzhapova. During the visit discussed the expansion of cooperation between the two universities: the prospects for cooperation within the framework of academic mobility of students and teachers, the continued implementation of Double Degree Master Programs, programs and training practices.
- With the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we are cooperating for a long time. In particular, KazNPU named after Abai, we have long implemented Double Degree Master Program at the Art Institute (AI) NSPU teacher education (profile - fine arts), - says head of International relations and academic mobility department NSPU Yelena Behtenova - Further cooperation with the university may be in the scientific direction (so, lecturers of KazNPU named after Abai have already published in our scientific publications), participation in conferences, universities that conduct, as well as in-demand research and educational training.
During the visit, held a working meeting with the Vice-Rector for Strategic Development of the University of Natalia Altynikova and discuss further cooperation between the two universities, as well as a tour of the resource centers NSPU.
- Our two universities in recent years has gained good experience in training teachers, and, each university has its own design, which can and should be shared. I believe that in the near future it is necessary to hold a bilateral seminar with the participation of universities management and identify new, meaningful collaboration vectors, - said Vice-Rector for Strategic Development NSPU Natalia Altynikova.
According to Galina Tsyrenzhapova, KazNPU named after Abai, interest in experience of resource centers, educational activities which is almost adequate to the real professional and educational, because it is a practice-oriented approach to learning is able to provide a high level of readiness for pedagogical activity of the future teachers.
- Cooperation between our universities can be effective in many areas. First of all, we are united by a uniform activity profile - a training teaching staff, - says Deputy Head of the Rector apparatus Galina Tsyrenzhapova. - Familiarity with NSPU allows you to note that your university has successfully implemented systems and technology of advanced education. Widespread use in the classroom multimedia equipment, ICT, modern laboratory facilities and thus advanced educational practices and techniques will definitely bring a great result: come intelligent, creative teachers in the school.
According to the Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility NSPU, university cooperation with various universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the priorities of the international activities of the university. Thus, out of 664 international students enrolled in NSPU, 482 people are citizens of Kazakhstan. More than 15 universities and educational centers of the country are our partners. In the area of cooperation also included the passing of pedagogical practice, together with the Karaganda State University, the short-term and long-term internships, and lectures NSPU teachers in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Vasiliy Vagin