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Attraction of foreign specialists to Abai KazNPU


On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 230 "On Approval of the Plan for the Distribution of the Number of Foreign Specialists and Budgetary Funds for Attracting to Teaching Activities for 2018" from May 28, 2018, KazNPU allocated budget funds to attract foreign professors in 2018.


In this regard, we ask you to pay attention to the main requirements for the invited foreign specialists:


1. The degree of MSc, MBA, MA, PhD or Doctor of Science.

2. The experience of teaching at least 5 years and professional work for at least 10 years.

3. The availability of scientific publications over the past 3 years in scientific and professional journals with impact factor.

4. Foreign specialists should carry out activities in accordance with KPI (Annex 2).

5. The stay of foreign specialists lasts no less than 4 weeks.


In accordance with the above requirements, we ask you to provide information about invited foreign specialists to the Sector of Academic Mobility (main building, 403, E-mail: ) until June 15, 2018.


Form for providing information about foreign specialists


Name of the Institute




(a country)


Academic degree



Period of stay