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Article title


Firstborn Higher Education


90th anniversary of the first university in the country


Was there an alternative to Soviet power in Kazakhstan?


Government which was at war with its people


Operation «Sopa»


Operation Sopa: the criminal case of Ishan Zhangirkozhayev Alken


Operation Sopa: a criminal case of Ishan Ishanhanov Gultorekhan


Operation Sopa: Case No. 703


Operation «Sopa»: case number 703. Karataykozhaev Rakhym


Operation «Sopa» there was no corpus delicti


Azimkhan Kenesarin and Operation Sopa


Character and evolution of socio-cultural identity of the kazakh officials of XIX -the beginning XX centuries (by personal letters and petitions)


Socio-cultural identity of the kentau population on the pages of the local press (1950-1970)


The interdisciplinary nature of the study of identity in modern historical research


Achisai Polymetallic Combine: 1918-1930


The Khantaginskoye field of the Achisaysky Polymetallic Combine in the 1930s and 1940s: a historical and anthropological study


New technologies in historical research: based on "aytylgan tarikh"


Khantagy settlement in 1930-1940


A holiday in the practice of forming the professional identity of the workers of the Ashchisai polymetallic combine in the 1970s.


Forced labor of deported peoples in the industry of Southern Kazakhstan


The daily history of the deported Greeks in the city of Kentau (1941-1956)


The life of graduate students in the secret materials of the OGPU 1928-1930

23 Memoirs as a way of determining of national identity: K.I. Satpaev
24 Specificity of sources of personal origin in the study of scientific schools in Kazakhstan
25 Oral history at school
26 Interview with Shor Sarybaev
27 1916: struggle for preservation of national identity in oral sources
28 Kazakhstan in the strategy of the russian empire on the development of mineral resources in the XIX - in the first half of the XX century 
29 V. Isanskaya My Years in the Kazakh steppe (Remembering the Special Migrant)
30 Turkestan-Contract in the war years. Identity in Memories of Kazakh аnd Poles
31 «Aytilkan Tarih» as a Tool and Sources for research of Social and Cultural identity (On the example of Achisai and Kentau 1930-1940)
32 The Struggle for Preservation of state identity: The uprising of The Kazakh against the rise of the duans (20-40 G.G. Х1х V.)
33 Social and cultural space of Ashysay-Kentau in memories of its residents: Design of identity
34 Problems of the organization of socialist competition at the achpolimetall combine In 1965 - initial. 1980s
35 Turkestan region with the galases of deported poles
36 Koigeldiev M. Zhambyl Oblysy Uly Otan sogysy zhyldarynda (1941-1945 LJ). (co-authored). Monograph. Author`s certificate No. 002677 dated April 25, 2015
37 Koigeldiev M. my life in science. 21 interviews with scientists. (Popular science publication) (co-authored). Author`s certificate No. 002678 dated December 21, 2014
38 Koigeldiev M. K. Day of defenselessness. My life in science. (Scientific schools of Kazakhstan. Literary study). Monograph.
39 Socio-cultural identity of the residents of Aschysay-Kentau (1927-the beginning of the XXI century)./ Compiled By: M.K. Koigeldiev, T. Isansky, Z.B. Myrzataeva, T. T. Dalaeva./ edited by M. K. Koigeldiev, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
40 My life in science. Scientific schools of Kazakhstan. Geology. Collective monograph / edited by academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. K. Koigeldiev.
41 «I absolutely do not plead guilty!» From the history of the protest movement in Kazakhstan in 1960-1980 (Collection of documents and materials). compiled and authored by academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. K. Koigeldiev. 
42 Isanskaya V. «My years in the Kazakh steppe» (memoirs of a special settler) / edited by academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. K. Koigeldiev.
43 М. K. Koigeldiev Alash movement 1 vol
44 М. K. Koigeldiev Alash movement 2 vol