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Abai KazNPU successfully passed certification audit of QMS


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University successfully passed the recertification audit in the Certification Association "Russian Register".


On 3 July, 2018, the university was awarded certificates of the Russian Register:

1. Certificate of compliance with the requirements of MS ISO 9001: 2015 PP No. 18.0790.026 dated 22 March, 2013;

2. Certificate IQNet PP MS ISO 9001: 2015 RR No. 18.0790.026 dated 22 March, 2018.


The objective data obtained as a result of the audit testify to the effectiveness of the quality management system at the university, its functioning and improvement in accordance with the requirements of international and interethnic standards.


Certification Association "Russian Register" is the largest internationally recognized Russian certification and expert organization. "Russian Register" is the leading Russian authority for the certification of management systems, the trust of which was rendered by more than 2000 enterprises of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, as well as other countries of the near and far abroad. Association for certification "Russian Register" is a member of the International Association of certification bodies IQNet of 1 October, 2003. In 2006, RR increased its status and became a full partner of IQNet.

IQNet is an international certification network established in 1990 to ensure the recognition of certificates in different countries, as well as to provide other services in the field of assessment and certification of management systems. IQNet is a non-governmental, non-profit organization created in accordance with Swiss law with headquarters in Bern, Switzerland.


Certificates of compliance with the requirements of MC ISO 9001: 2015 can be found on the official website of Abai KazNPU at






Analysis and assessment of the quality of education department