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4560270International Cooperationopen
4560470Student Lifeopen
4560570Student Lifeopen
4560670Student Lifeopen
4560770Student Lifeopen
4560870Student Lifeopen
4560970Student Lifeopen
4561070Student Lifeopen
4561170About usopen
4561270Academic policyopen
4561370Schedule of lessensopen
4561470Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informaticsopen
4561570Faculty of Artsopen
4561670Admission regulationsopen
4561770Faculty of History and Lawopen
4561870Faculty of Artsopen
4561970Reports and records of the rectoropen
4562070Faculty of History and Lawopen
4562170Student Lifeopen
4562270Scientific and research work of students (SRWS)open
4562370Schedule of lessensopen
4562470Faculty of Artsopen
4562570Faculty of History and Lawopen
4562670Faculty of Artsopen
4562770Scientific journal open
4562870Student Lifeopen
4562970Student Lifeopen
4563070Student Lifeopen
4563170Student Lifeopen
4563270Student Lifeopen
4563370Student Lifeopen
4563470Student Lifeopen
4563570Student Lifeopen
4563670Student Lifeopen
4563770Student Lifeopen
4563870Regulatory documentsopen
4563970Department of New and Modern History of Kazakhstan named after Academician T.S.Sadykovopen
4564070Student Lifeopen
4564170Student Lifeopen
4564270Student Lifeopen
4564370Student Lifeopen
4564470Faculty of Artsopen
4564570About usopen
4564670About usopen
4564770About usopen
4564870Student Lifeopen
4564970Faculty of History and Lawopen
4565070Faculty of Artsopen

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