қазақша · русский · english
 Zhamilya Murat
Head of the Office for International Projects and Engagement

Dostyk Avenue 13, office 310.
 +7(727) -291-62-30,

The main objectives of the Office for International Projects and Engagement of the Department of International Engagement:

- to promote the expansion of relations with leading foreign universities and the development of creative cooperation of Abai KazNPU with foreign universities;
- Promote the organization and expansion of international relations of the university;
- Implementation of activities to ensure the participation of teaching staff and students in international grants, projects, competitions and exchange programs;
- Organization of international meetings, conferences, symposia and meetings at the university;
- organization of timely informing of structural divisions of directorates about planned international symposiums, colloquiums, etc., including with participation of Abai KazNPU, participation in their conduction;

- ensuring communication with representatives of JSC "Center for International Programs Bolashak" in order to obtain new rules and requirements;
- direct work with embassies and representative offices of other countries in Kazakhstan, with international associations, cultural centers.
- Organization of receptions of foreign delegations, specialists in Abai KazNPU;
- Representing the interests of the university in international organizations, at international exhibitions on education, science and culture;
- Organization of work of the university with the Centers of Abai in foreign partner universities;
- Maintenance of the Center for the international TOEFL test
- Joint training programs with foreign universities in the framework of the system of double degree education.