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   Главная / Yeraliyeva Zhanar Muratovna

Yeraliyeva Zhanar Muratovna



Yeraliyeva Zhanar Muratovna was born on January 10, 1980 in the city of Almaty. Ethnic affiliation is Kazakh. In 1997 she graduated secondary school No. 167 named after Sh. Smakhanuly.

In 1997 she entered the Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University, by specialty "0109-Ecology and Nature Management." She graduated the University in 2001.

In 2001, she entered the magistracy at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in the field of training "510850-Biology." In 2003, having completed a master`s degree in the specialization of Botany, she was awarded the qualification and academic degree "Master of Biology."

2003-2005, laboratory assistant of the Geography Department of Natural Sciences Faculty at the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training Institute.

2005-2006, senior laboratory assistant of the Biology Department, of Faculty of Natural Sciences, at the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training Institute.

2006-2009, teacher of the Biology Department of Natural Sciences and Geography Faculty.

2009-2014 senior lecturer at Biology Department at the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University.

In 2014, she entered the doctoral programme at the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University, in specialty 6D011300 - Biology. She completed her doctoral programme in 2017.

2017-2020, senior Lecturer at the Biology Department of Kazakh National Women`s Teacher Training University.

2020-2021, a scientific-researcher at the Institute of Human and Animal Physiology.

2021-2022 external part-time, a senior lecturer at the Biology Department of Institute of Natural Sciences of Kazakh National Women`s Teacher Training University.



Educational institution


Expiration Date

Al-Farabi Kazakh State University

Ecologist Bachelor


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Master of Biology


Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University

PhD in specialty "6D011300-Biology"




Degree Name

Field of Science

Diploma issue date

PhD in the specialty "6D011300-Biology"

Educational programme




- Metabolic support for the growth and development of living organisms;

- Biochemistry;

- Biotechnology of microbial synthesis products;

- Technology and prospects for microclonal plant reproduction;

- Plant physiology;

- Population ecology.



1. Zh.M. Yeraliyeva, M.S. Kurmanbayeva, K.Kh. Makhmudova, T.P. Kolev, S.M. Kenesbayev. Comparative characteristic of two cultivars of winter common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivated in the southeast of Kazakhstan using the drip irrigation technology. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences. 2017. - Volume 17, Issue 2. - P. 40-49. ISSN:1608-4217.

2. A. Baimuratov, Sh. Bastaubayeva, M. Arslan, Zh. Yeraliyeva. Effect of fertilizer application on winter wheat productivity under precision agriculture in Kazakhstan. Biodiversitas. 2021. -Volume 22, Number 3. - P. 1558-1563. ISSN: 1412-033X.

3. T. Kolev, Zh. Todorov, Zh. Yeraliyeva. Influence of growth regulators on the durum wheat yield. The International Conference «Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture». Vol. LXII, No. 1. June 6-8, - Bucharest, Romania. 2019. P. 331-335.

4. T. Kolev, Zh. Todorov, Zh. Yeraliyeva. Study of the effect of fertilization and sowing rates on the yield capacity of Deni durum wheat. The International Conference «Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture». Series A. Agronomy. Vol. LXIII, No. 1, - Romania, 2020. P. 352-360.

5. T. Kolev, Zh. Todorov, Zh. Yeraliyeva. Comparative biochemical and technological studies of Bulgarian durum wheat grain. The International Conference «Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture». Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXIV, No. 2, - Romania, 2021. P. 232-237.

6. M.M. Kunelbayev, Zh.M. Yeraliyeva, M.S. Kurmanbayeva. A device for cultivating winter wheat using drip irrigation. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Patent No. 32253 for Invention. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 30.06.2017.



1. Zh.M. Yeraliyeva. Effective use of the smart interactive board is a means of increasing the cognitive activity of biology students. Khabarshi of Abai KazNPU (Pedagogical sciences series). - 2017. - No. 2 (54) - P. 147-156. (published in Kazakh)

2. Zh.M. Yeraliyeva, G.U. Baitasheva. The concept of "professional competence" and its development trends. Khabarshi of Abai KazNPU (Pedagogical sciences series). - 2017. - No. 3 (55) - P. 49-54. (published in Kazakh)

3. Zh.M. Yeraliyeva, E.A. Kirshibayev. Importance of laboratory works in formation of professional competence of future biology specialists. Khabarshi of Abai KazNPU (Pedagogical sciences series). - 2017. - No. 4 (56) - P. 107-112. (published in Kazakh)

4. Zh.M. Yeraliyeva. The role of study-field practice in the formation of professional competences of biology students. Herald of the Kazakh State Girls` Pedagogical University (Natural Science). - 2018. - No. 4 (76) - P. 8-13. (published in Kazakh)

5. Zh.M. Yeraliyeva, G.U. Baitasheva. Development of students` research skills based on theoretical and practical training. Herald of West Kazakhstan State University (Pedagogy). - 2019. - No. 4 (76) - P. 209-213. (published in Kazakh)



In 2014, in honor of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University, she was awarded:

- certificate in the nomination "Үzdіk zhanashyl zhas ghalym";

- jubilee medal "Қurmet belgіsі" for contribution to the development of the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University.




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