қазақша · русский · english
 Gabbasova Zhanna Duisembaevna
Head of the Office of Institutional Efficiency
Candidate of Technical Sciences, аssociate рrofessor
13, Dostyk ave.


The Office of Institutional Efficiency is organized in order to improve the quality of the University`s educational activities and ensures compliance with the internal quality assurance system based on international standards and guidelines for ensuring the quality of higher and postgraduate education in the European area.


The main tasks of the Office are:

- studying the requirements of regulatory documents of accreditation agencies, as well as providing accredited structural units with regulatory documents of accreditation agencies;

- coordination of the University`s institutional accreditation and specialized accreditation of educational programs;

- monitoring the evaluation criteria of rating agencies in order to determine the positions of the University and timely identify changes in the criteria;

- coordination of the activities of structural units within the framework of the University`s participation in national university rankings;

- organization and implementation of monitoring, measurement and summarising results of internal evaluation of the quality of university education;

- raising the level of awareness and competence of university staff in ensuring internal quality assessment;

- conducting a survey in order to develop and implement measures aimed at improving the quality of educational services, as well as creating favorable socio-psychological conditions at the university;

- compliance with the requirements of the anti-corruption management system, anti-corruption policy, conflict of interest resolution policy, internal regulatory documents and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in terms of anti-corruption.