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Beketova Aigul Kaiyrbekovna



Beketova Aigul, born in 1981, graduated from the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical Institute in 2002 with a degree in geography-biology with honors. In 2004, she graduated with honors from the Biological Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, received an academic degree "Master of Biology". In the 2014-2017 academic year, she studied at the doctoral program of the Kazakh National Agrarian University in the specialty "Soil Science and agricultural chemistry", was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D080800 - Soil Science and agrochemistry (24.08.2018).

Work experience: 2004-2006 Republican specialized boarding school with in-depth study of the Kazakh language and literature, inspector of the Personnel Department; 2006-2008 KazNPU named after Abai, Department of "Human and Animal Physiology", specialist; 2008-2009. Daryn-2008 LLP, manager. 2009-2010. Almaty University of Humanities and Technology, Lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Tourism; 2010-2011 Aktobe State University named afterZhubanova, Lecturer of the Department of Ecology; 2011-2021 Eurasian Technological University, Senior lecturer of the Engineering Department. Since September 2021, senior lecturer of the Department of Educational Programs "Biology", Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.



Educational institution


End date

Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical Institute

Teacher of Geography and Biology (diploma with honors)


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Master of Biology

(diploma with honors)


Kazakh National Agrarian University

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Name of the academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Soil Science and agricultural chemistry



SUBJECTS TAUGHT (list by training levels): Biological chemistry, Biostatistics, Plant physiology, Biodiversity of the organic world, Physiology of the development of schoolchildren.SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - the subject of research, the number of publications (specify 5 significant ones). There are 52 scientific publications, among them in journals included in the database of Scopus - 4, the Hirsch index - 2. Participated in scientific projects: "Development of methods for extracting petroleum products during the purification of oil waste using solar devices equipped with concentrating elements", ESM RK (2012-2014); "To study the dynamics of the water-salt regime of meadow salt marshes of the foothill plain of the Ili Alatau for a long post-meliorative period and develop scientifically based parameters for predicting their changes", ESM RK (2015-2017). "To develop an information system for monitoring and evaluating degraded pastures in Kazakhstan, ensuring effective management of their restoration", Ministry of Agriculture of the RK (2018-2020).

Papers: 1. Changes in the Composition and Properties of Meadow Solonchaks of the Ili Alatau Foothill Plain in the Republic of Kazakhstan during a Long Postmeliorative Period. - А.Beketova, S. Kaldybaev, Zh. Yertayeva. - OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN16084217-USA), Volume 17, Issue 4. - P.290-298, 2017.

2. Geographic and environmental assessment of the effects of heptyl pollution in Kazakhstan steppe regions. - Mynbayeva B., Abisheva Z., Musdybayeva K., Amirasheva B, Beketova А. - Conference proceeding: 17th INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC GEOCONFERENCE SGEM 2017, Bulgaria, Varna. Vol. 17: Ecology, Economics, Iss. 52: Ecology and Environmental Protection. P. 419-425. 2017.

3. The scientific basis of changes in the composition and properties of meadow saline soil of the foothill plains of the Ili Alatau during a long postmeliorative period. - Zh.Yertayeva, S. Kaldybaev, Beketova А. - Ecology, Environment and Conservation. Eco. Env. & Cons. (0971765X-India-Scopus), 24 (2) : 2018; pp. (715-720).

4. Іле Алатауы тау алды сазды белдеуінің шалғынды сортаң топырақтарының ұзақ кезеңді (1986-2017 ж.ж.) мелиорациядан кейін жақсаруы. - Калдыбаев С., Бекетова А.К., Ертаева Ж.Т. - Почвоведение и агрохимия, №3, 2017г. Стр.37-48.

5. Іле Алатауының тау етегіндегі сазды белдеуінің шалғынды сортаң топырақтарының ұзақ мерзімді мелиорациядан кейінгі құнарлылығының өзгеруі. - С.Қалдыбаев, А.Бекетова, Ж.Ертаева. - Известия НАН РК, №1, 2017г. (Серия Аграрных наук), 82-87б.



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