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Mynzhassarova Marzhangul Zhangazinovna


Full name

Mynzhassarova Marzhangul Zhangazinovna



1992-1996 East Kazakhstan State University

Specialty: Mathematics

Qualifications: Mathematician, teacher

2003-2005 East Kazakhstan State University named after S.Amanzholov

Specialty: Mathematics

Qualification: Master of Mathematics

Academic title, degree


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, 13.00.02 - Methods and Theory of Teaching and Mentoring (Math in system of elementary, secondary and higher education) (Protocol number 4 on May 4, 2011)

Pedagogical activity


1997-2005 Secondary school № 41 named after A. Karsakbaev, Almaty,  mathematics teacher;

2005-2015 Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;

2015 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.

Dissertation topics   

Continuity in Studying Stochastic Elements in Primary and Secondary Schools

Research Interests            

Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics

Research activities, publications


He has more than 50 scientific papers, of which:

1. Problems learning probability theory and mathematical statistics in primary school. /Materialy X Miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktiyczney konferencji "WyksztalcenieI nauka bez granic - 2014". Volume 15. Pedagogiczne nauki.: Przemysl. Nauka I studia, 2014.  -Page 92-97.

2.The importance of learning stochastic 7-9 grades when learning mathematic//Journal of scientific publications of graduate and doctoral students. - 2(104). Kursk, 2015.- С.61-64.

3. Problem problems as a means of developing the creative abilities of students in the process of learning mathematics. //«Thepathofscience» InternationalJournalofScience. - № 6 (16). Volgograd, 2015. -С.89-92.

4. Features of probabilistic-statistical problems applied direction//Journal of scientific publications of graduate and doctoral students. -№12(126). Kursk, 2016. - С.71-73.



anniversarymedal «90 years of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University

named after Abai»(13.12.2018, №841)

Further education and scientific internships


has completed the trainers programme for teaching staff of highereducation pedagogic institutes comprising 232 academic hours in total. The programmeis based on the multi-level in-service training programmefor pedagogic staff of the Republic of Kazakhstan, jointly developed  by the Center of Excellence AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" and the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. 02.02.2015-20.03.2015(ТО№000171). Astana

Language proficiency        

Russian, Kazakh

Address, contacts

Almaty,7-37-68, 8-707-167-77-58,

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