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Kunakbayev Amantay Sarsenovich


Full name

 Kunakbaev Amantai Sarsenovich

Year, month and day of birth

 28 May 1949


1966-1973. Alma-Ata Medical Institute with honors (Lenin Scholarship), Specialty Medicine, qualification-doctor

Academic degree and title

1. Candidate of Medical Sciences, (April 12, 1984, Protocol No. 53);

2. Senior researcher (from 3 February 1988. Protocol No. 5c / 2)

2. Associate Professor (from December 17, 1992, No. 1074-d);

3. Professor of the ANU (from April 2, 1999, Protocol No. 6);

Place of work and position after graduation

1973-1975 was enrolled in the 2-year clinical residency of the Kazakh Research Institute of Tuberculosis in Almaty;

1975-1986. junior researcher of the Kazakh Research Institute of Tuberculosis;

Since IX-1986-I-1988. Senior Researcher of the Kazakh Research Institute of Tuberculosis;

I work in KazNPU named after Abay since January 19, 1988.

Since 19.01.1988-29.01.90-senior lecturer;

Since 29.01.90 at the department, the duties of an associate professor, since 1992.-Associate Professor;

Since 02.04.99. till present - professor of ANU named after Abay.

Scientific interests

Age-related physiology, School hygiene, Health protection of schoolchildren, Prevention of deviant behavior among young people, Formation of a healthy lifestyle, Basics of life safety.


1.Планирование и анализ противотуберкулезной службы Монография.

Шефер Л.Б., Хажибаева З.И., Флициан Э.И., Кунакбаев А.С.

Алма-Ата, Наука, 1985, 160с

2.Изучение потребности населения во фтизиатрической помощи. Здравоохранение. Международный журнал, Румыния, Бухарест, 1986, №2, с.89-95 /Шефер Л.Б., Хажибаева З.И, Кунакбаев А.С., Вылегжанина Л.В. и др./

3.Оказание первой медицинской помощи пострадавшим при чрезвычайных ситуациях. Монография. Кунакбаев А.С., Татаринова Г.Ш., Нуркенов Т.Т. -Алматы. «014.-125с

4.Практикум по электрофизиологии клетки. Кунакбаев А.С., Бабашев А.М. Алматы, 2016, 65с;

5. Подростковая беременность в Казахстане Бабашев А.М., Кунакбаев А.С., Татаринова Г.Ш., Байдусенова М.Н. ХХII Международная научно-науки практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы науки ХХI века» 31.05.2017г. Iчасть г. Москва, 2017, Международная исследовательская организация «Cognitio» с5-11.

Participation in scientific projects

1. The project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Comprehensive prevention of the epidemic of overweight and obesity in Kazakhstan"

2. The project "Development of healthy food and food safety skills among the population in the framework of the state program" Salamatty Kazakhstan "

Social work

For 15 years he was the responsible secretary and deputy executive secretary of the admissions committee. For several years he headed the Council for the Prevention of Offenses of the Faculty, constantly conducted educational work for a healthy lifestyle with students.

For several years he participated in the work of the head of the UNT commission, the PGG, the complex testing, the examination of the foreign language exam.

Contact details

8 701 5996282;



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