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Solemn meeting in honor of the Independence Day of Kazakhstan




On 15 December 2018, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University was held a solemn meeting devoted to the Independence Day. The event began with stage performances highlighting the achievements of the Republic of Kazakhstan over the years of independence.

The university`s rector, Professor Takir Balykbayev said: «The independence of our state has been the main dream of the people for centuries. The successes that the country has achieved during the years of sovereignty under the leadership of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev in all areas of socio-economic and political development are hard to overestimate. The country`s success in the field of education is most dear to our educational institution, the first university in Kazakhstan, which this year celebrated its 90th anniversary. The head of state paid special attention to our university, which today is among the 500 best universities in the world and is a leader among the pedagogical universities of the country». The rector informed the audience about the congratulations of the President addressed to the university staff in connection with the 90th anniversary.

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for achievements in training competitive specialists, more than ten university staff members were awarded high state awards. The Rector of the University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Takir Balykbayev and head the chair of «Methods of teaching mathematics, physics and informatics» Alma Abylkasymova were awarded the Order «Parasat»; Zanatbek Ishpekbayev, vice-rector for educational and social work, professor of «Informatics and informatization of education» chair, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gakhip Ualiev, deputy director for educational work of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, professor Ahtai Birgebaev, director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, Professor Baltabay Abdigaziyevich, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University, Professor Zhumadil Shildebaev, Director of the Research Center «Formation of an Intellectual Nation», Professor Marat Nuriev were awarded the Order «Kurmet»; Professor of World History chair, Zhumakhan Nurmanbetovna, Head of Project Office, Professor Borasyn Imanberdiev, Professor of Chemistry chair, Azimkhan Seitzhanov - the medal «Eren Enbeguy Ushin».

Medal «I. Altynsarin» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded to the chief researcher of the Resource Advisory Center for Inclusive Education for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and personality psychology of Abai KazNPU, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Zhamilya Namazbayeva. More than 40 teachers and university staff were awarded the medal «90 years to Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University».

The university`s rector, Professor Takir Balykbayev, while presenting the awards, wished his colleagues new successes in their work.

At the end of the official part of the festive event, the participants of the meeting were presented a concert program.


















Department of Public Relations