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Final online conference on pedagogical practice for 4th year students


On April 21, 2020, the final online conference on pedagogical practice for 4th year students of the specialties «5В011300-Biology», «5В060700-Biology», «5В011600-Geography» of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography took place. The conference was held through the Zoom program.

The event was attended by 4th year students, the head of the pedagogical practice of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, the senior lecturer Gulzhanat Kamieva, the head of the Department of Geography, Ecology and Tourism Gulmira Berdygulova, the head of the Department of Biology Murat Zhaksybayev, methodologists, teachers, psychologists.

Students presented their reports on teaching practice, which took place from September 16 to April 20, 2020. In online presentations, students spoke about their achievements and challenges, and their impressions of teaching. According to them, the support of methodologists and practice heads was very important.






Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography