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Youth for unity and knowledge!




Today, representatives of more than twenty-eight nationalities study at Abai KazNPU. They have prepared a special video promoting the friendship of peoples and interethnic harmony. The authors masterfully used such keywords and slogans as: «Unity and stability are the main values of the country»; «We are young people with one goal, common interests, common future!»; «Students of different nationalities and ethnic groups study at Abai University!» ; «We, the future teachers of the country, do not divide our students into nations!»; «We live together in a hostel with friends, representatives of different religions and languages!»; «Youth for unity and knowledge!».

The video was completed by a speech by the rector of the student administration of our university, Kuanysh Toregeldiev, who soulfully reads the poem of the great poet and thinker Abay Kunanbaev about unity and solidarity from a very rare edition «Ketti Birlik».

- «Ketti birlik, Sondi erlik,

Endі kіmge bettemek?

Elin - ala, otti shala,

Taisa ayagyn, kim kombek?»

These words are relevant today. The culmination of the video is the students` appeal: «Let us protect the happiness that our country has - the unity of the people!» They are confident that the stability of the country is due to a high degree of confidence in the inviolability of peace and interethnic friendship. For example, students at Abai University adopt the principles of the First President of RK - Leader of the nation N. Nazarbayev in the strategic development of the state.


Youth for unity and knowledge!