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The most active students joined Student Government


On January 31, 2020, the event «Welcomе to Studlife» was held at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education. In this regard, the question may arise: «What is the peculiarity of a traditionally held evening from the previous ones?» At this meeting, not ordinary students, but selected activists of the institute were accepted into the association «Student Self-Government».

Every year, students from different parts of Kazakhstan gather under the shanyrak of our university. This is a sign of modernization, renewal of society, since each of these students is a person with his own opinion, special mental abilities. In this regard, there is no doubt that if talents from different parts of our country move in one direction, this will be a step in creating a special atmosphere, their special world. Therefore, the correct idea was the decision to create conditions for the activists of the institute so that each student could be active.

The event «Welcomе to Studlife» was opened with a patriotic dance under the swaying blue flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan was sounded, and then, with applause, undergraduates were invited to the stage, who made a special contribution to the development of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, led by Ersayіn Moldasanov.

The main goal of the event held within the walls of the Institute is to introduce the new structure to the university public. We believe that this goal has been fully achieved. During the hour that the concert program took, the audience saw different sides of the talents of first-year students: songs, dances, stage productions, reflecting the influence of the big city and the new environment on the newcomers of the student community. At the end of the event, an official entry into the new structure was held. Successors of the honorary university generation received student directorate certificates. And as parting words to the young, the anthem of Kazakhstan was sounded again.
















Institute of Philology and multilingual education