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Scientific Library of  Abai KazNPU invites academic staff, students, undergraduates, doctoral students in the seminar-training " EBSCO Electronic academic resources ".
The training seminar will be held on January 25, 2017 at 11.00 in the reading room at the Scientific Library : Tole bi str., 86.

Company EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) - a leading provider of electronic resources for libraries, which products include EBSCONET® - EBSCO overall system for managing e-books, and EBSCOhost® - the world s leading paid online search engines, which contains the full-text databases, subject indexes, reference materials, historical digital archives, and collections of electronic books.
EBSCO provides access to 375 databases for research, 600,000 e-books, as well as provides services for managing subscriptions to more than 360 000 unique publications, including 57 000 online publications.
EBSCO Library includes tens of thousands of full-text journals and newsletters from recognized publishers and offers electronic resources for all researchers in the business, academic and medical fields, for public libraries, government agencies and schools. Developed by EBSCO Discovery ServiceTM (EDS) ensures any organization convenient and simple single-line search box, the entire collection of electronic resources, with an excellent gradation of conformity and individual settings unique compared to other search engines