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Nesipbekov Erkin Nesipbekovich


Born and graduated from high school. Oleg Koshevoy, Almaty region. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Cybernetics of the Kazakh State Academy of Management (Narxoz) in 1998. The academic degree doctor PHD in the specialty 6D050600- Economics was awarded by the dissertation council of the Narxoz University of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2014. The experience of scientific and pedagogical work is 19 years. Including teaching experience in higher educational institutions - 16 years.





Graduation Date

Kazakh State Academy of Management (Narxoz)







Date of issue of diploma

doctor PHD

6D050600 - Economy






TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

Undergraduate studies: economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, management, human resource management,fundamentals of marketing; business modeling; fundamentals of business.

In the magistracy: methods of teaching the basics of law and Economics, Tools of modern economic science and practice



He is the author of more than 80 publications, 3 textbooks, 1 monograph. Formation of an investment portfolio on the example of JSC NC "Kazakhstan TemirZholy", electronic; Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, November-December 2018. - No. 6 (322) ISSN 2518-1483 (Online), ISSN2224-5227 (Print), pp.106-110; Theoretical aspects of the formation of the investment portfolio of the enterprise; electronic; Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai 2018. - No. 6 (322) ISSN 2224-5294, p.214-219; Direct foreign investments in Kazakhstan: state and problems of attraction; electronic; REPORTS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN ISSN 2518-1483, (online), ISSN 2224-5227, (Print) 2019. 3 pp. 236-243;


1) Tutorial "Economic analysis collection of problems" scientific publication
Recommended for publication by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Almaty Technological University (ATU) Protocol No. 5, dated 04.25.2018 ISBN978-601-263-434-1 N55 Nesipbekov E.N., Sultangalieva L.S. Economic analysis collection of tasks.-Almaty: "Anur" publishing house, 2018.-96s.
2) Textbook "Investment analysis" Recommended for publication Scientific
Methodological Council of the Almaty Technological University (ATU) Protocol No. 5, dated 04.22.2019 ISBN978-601-263-485-3 H50 Nesipbekov E.N., Sultangalieva L. S., Esaydar U.S. Investment analysis Study guide. Almaty: FE "LP-Zhasulan", 2019.-132
3) Textbook "Economics Taldau: Esepterzhinagy"; Printed; Baspana
Almaty TekhnologiiқUniversitetininGylymiAdistemelikkenesisheshimimenұsynylgan 24.01.2020zh.№3; ISBN978-601-263-508-9 B55 Economics Taldau: Esepterzhinaғy / Bakhyt E.B., Nesipbekov E.N. -rou: "Mede , 2020.-90b.
4) Monograph "Mechanisms for increasing economic efficiency
innovative projects in railway transport "Scientific publication Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the University of International Business (UIB) ISBN978-3-903063-64-8 Н50 Mechanisms for increasing the economic efficiency of innovative projects in railway transport - Vienna Austria: Association for Advanced Research and Higher Education" East.

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