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Students of Abai University visited the Nurgis Tlendiev Memorial Museum


On May 15, 2024, the Department of Social Development and Youth Policy and the Academy of Pedagogical Excellence "School of Mentoring" university students visited the memorial museum of the great composer, the great composer of Kazakh traditional music of the twentieth century "Halyk Kaharmany" Nurgisa Tlendiev as part of the mentoring project "Almaty Museum of Sayakhat".

Students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography who visited the museum got acquainted with the Nurgis Tilendiev house-museum, which shows the life of the Kazakh intelligentsia.

In addition, they examined musical instruments, books, photographs, a conductor`s baton, concert clothes and household items telling about N. Tlendiev`s personal life and work.





Department of Social Development and Youth Policy