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Presentation of historical and documentary collection of the series "Onegeli Omir" dedicated to Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, famous doctor of historical sciences, academician Sadykov Tokmukhamed and honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, famous Turkologist, doctor of philological sciences, academician Nemat Kelimbetov.

On 21 October, 2016 in the RSE "Gylym Ordasy" a presentation of the historical and documentary collection of the series "Onegeli Omir" dedicated to Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, famous doctor of historical sciences, academician Tokmukhamed Sadykov and honored worker of science, famous Turkologist, doctor of philological sciences, Academician Nemat Kelimbetov.

The presentation was jointly organized by RSE "Gylym Ordasy" and the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. The ceremony was attended by the wife of academician Sadykov Tokmukhamed, Sholpan Abylkadyrkyzy, relatives and scholars, academics, colleagues and students. Among the special guests were the son of Nemat Kelimbetov - statesman of Kazakhstan, managing international financial center "Astana" - Kairat Kelimbetov, composer, National Artist of Kazakhstan - Eskendir Khasangaliyev, doctor of philological sciences, academician - Serik Kirabayev, academician of NAS RK - Beisenova Aliya Sarsenovna , doctor of philological sciences, professor, scientist - Mekemtas Myrzahmetuly, doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, Academician - Abylkasymova Alma Esimbekovna, scholar, public figure - Asyly Alikyzy Osman.

An opening speech made rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Galym Mutanov where noted the outstanding role and professional activities in the preservation and development of pedagogical and scientific potential of Kazakhstan Higher School of Tokmuhamed Sadykov and Nemat Kelimbetov, who became a shining example for the younger generation.

Among the honorable guests, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Zhurinov Marat noted in his speech that all the vital forces of the two scientists gave favorite work, were awarded high state awards. He noted that only a strong, professional and confident personality achieves their goals and are demanded by time and society. Destiny of Tokmukhamed Sadykov, Nemat Kelimbetov - a clear confirmation. Ceremonial ribbon cutting was awarded the Doctor of Philology, Professor Mekemtas Myrzakhmetuly. He noted that academician Tokmukhamed Sadykov made a great contribution to the development of the University and trained a constellation of Kazakh scientists, from 1987 to 2008 and was a permanent rector of the Almaty State University named after Abai. Sadykov Tokmukhamed gave the university the status of "National".

Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Galym Mutanov thanked the guests,scientists, academicians, writers for taking part in this presentation.