қазақша · русский · english
Department of «International Relations»

Educational and methodological complexes on the disciplines prepared by the teachers of the department are updated and supplemented every year in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages.


At the beginning of the academic year, the department developed and used the following documents during the year:

1. Calculation of teaching assignment hours

2. Individual teacher plans

3. Standard, working programs for general and special courses

4. Work plans, meetings, research, educational work of the department

5. The work plan of the scientific circle for students

6. Journal of mutual attendance of lectures and open classes of teachers

7. Journal with the minutes of conferences of teaching staff, students, defense of term papers and pre-defense of students ` theses

8. The minutes of the meetings of the Department

9. Schedule of mutual visits and open classes


The Department provides information support for all its events, educational, educational and cultural and leisure activities on the website of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute and the University; organizes work among the pedagogical community, undergraduates and students, as well as applicants.


The staff of the department uses innovative teaching technologies. Classes are conducted using information technologies of training, interactive whiteboards, specialized software, electronic textbooks, digital educational resources, and application software packages for undergraduates are actively used.