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Information on the availability of a licensed system for the detection of borrowings in Abai KazNPU


Since 2019 (since December) in KazNPU named after Abay an automated information system «Anti-Plagiarism.HEI» is functioning.

According to the SOSE of 31 October 2018 № 604 (bachelor, master), in this system all graduate (diploma, master) works are checked for plagiarism. The trainee independently checks his or her own work for «anti-plagiarism» through the Univer system. PhD students in the process of writing a dissertation research, as well as the discussion at the extended meeting of the department can also undergo the procedure of checking through this system. The information system «Anti-Plagiarism.University» works automatically 24/7.

According to the «Regulations on the Dissertation Council of Abai KazNPU», as well as the «Standard Statute of the Dissertation Council», approved by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 31, 2011 № 127 (as amended by the Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan dated 30.04. 2020 № 170), within 10 (ten) working days after admission to the defense, the Dissertation Council sends the thesis to check for plagiarism by doctoral student in domestic and international databases to the Joint Stock Company «National Center of State Scientific and Technical Expertise».