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International scientific and practical conference in Moscow


On November 5-6, 2019, the Moscow City Pedagogical University hosted the International scientific and practical conference «Psychology of Endowment and Creativity», organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow City Pedagogical University.

At the invitation of the organizing committee, a plenary report at the conference was made by representatives of Abai KazNPU - professor, head of the department of general and applied psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Satova Akmaral and professor of the department of music education and choreography of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports Narikbaeva Laura.

The purpose of the event is to discuss the results of fundamental scientific research of leading experts in the field of psychology of giftedness and creativity, to attract foreign specialists to conduct joint experimental research.

The conference was attended by representatives of RAE and Moscow State Pedagogical University, other universities of general and additional education of Russia, England, Italy, Bulgaria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Yakutia and Mongolia. The result of their work was the adoption of a resolution on expanding international cooperation in the field of giftedness and creativity, the publication of an electronic version of the conference materials (posted in and registered in the RSCI scientometric database), as well as the delivery of certificates to participants and memorable thematic books.











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