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At Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University will be held the defense of thesis work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Nurmukhamedova Zhanara on theme «Methodological system of teaching the course of Mathematical analysis at school and pedagogical universities».
Dissertation was prepared at the Abai National Pedagogical University.
The language of defense - Russian.

Scientific advisers:
Abylkassimova Alma Esimbekovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
Bulin-Sokolova Elena Igorevna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University.


Kagazbayeva Aspet Kenesbekovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor.
Tokibetov Zhanuzak Abdykulovich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Defense will be held on 23rd of December, 2016 at 14.00 p.m. in the Dissertation Council of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
Address: Almaty city, Tole bi street, 86 (4-floor, 415 room), web-site -