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About true hero and prominent scientist

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of prominent scientist, famous writer and hero of the Soviet Union Malik Gabdullin the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Center "Tulgatanu" held a scientific conference. Center Director Dana Mukatova Mukatkyzy said in the opening speech of the versatile personality Malik Gabdullin as a hero, a citizen and a public figure.
"2015 at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University is dedicated to 100th anniversary of M. Gabdullin, who was its student, graduate student, then defended doctoral dissertation, 10 years was rector.
The main objective of this conference - education of patriotism among the youth on the example of a multi-faceted personality of M. Gabdullin - Hero of the Soviet Union, an outstanding scientist, a teacher, a wise leader ".
Doctor of philological sciences, professor Temirkhan Tebegenov made a presentation on the creative activity of M. Gabdullin and his invaluable contribution to the study of literature.
"His scientific - pedagogical work Gabdullin Malik began in the postwar years. His studies were started with the study of the national epic "Kobylandy Batyr". Developing this theme, he later defended his doctoral dissertation. In the mid-50s M. Gabdullin published a textbook for higher education institutions "Folklore of the Kazakh people". This tutorial is still not lost its relevance and is used in our university. As a writer in his "War Essays" M. Gabdullin tells the story of ordinary soldiers, whose names remain unknown, but their deeds have become immortal ".
Among the honored guests of the conference was the daughter of M. Gabdullin Maidan Malikkyzy, who shared with memories. For the first time for many sounded a little sad warm words about family relationships between children and father, as an example for young people.
"I did not commit any exploits in life. I`m just the daughter of a hero. His father often took us to various cultural activities: theater, concerts. He wanted us to grow up educated people, so we have the house had a large library of world literature. So we -Kids - from childhood loved to read ".
On the question of interested students, "What advice your father`s children were heard more often?" Maidan Malikkyzy gave details of the covenants of his father, who would be useful, and the youth of today.
"My father was a very humble man. And he often told us: "Do not take pride in vain, be modest".
All his life he was without much haughtiness. We have long lived in a small apartment. He wrote his dissertation and stories in the evening in the kitchen at the dining table. The father did not wear their awards once again, put them only in the Victory Day. Later, when he was already the rector of the institute, it was as easy to communicate with people. Father knew by the name of the fatherland, even ordinary employees of the university. You could go to a hostel for the students, talk with them and ask about their businesses and even to play chess with them in "Red Corner".
The editor of the newspaper of the University "The world of Abai" Bolat Sharahymbay told the youth about unconditional friendship with M. Gabdullin heroes Manshuk Mametova and Baurzhan Momyshuly.
The conference was also attended by other scientists and writers who fully illuminated image of the hero and the great scientist.
Centre of the event "Tulgatanu" had a lively response from the audience. This is evidenced by students` comments at the end of the conference: "We are proud to be enrolled in this famous institution. It worked and trained many of the greatest sons of the Kazakh people - Akhmet Baitursynov, Saken Seifullin, Mukhtar Auezov, Malik Gabdullin ".
Everyone should know the names of the great figures of the country. After all, they have left an indelible mark in the history of our nation. Retaining the crumbs of a priceless cultural heritage need to transfer it to the younger generation.

Farida Amangeldikyzyz
