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Bakhtiyar Smanov -Laureate of the International award named after Zhambyl

Great poet Zhambyl toad nicknamed Homer of the twentieth century, left a rich poetic heritage of great importance in the education of the younger generation. For its contribution to understanding the significance of his works in the spirit of modernity, their propaganda among the people of Chief of Staff of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, academician of the Academy of Ch. Aitmatov, doctor of pedagogical sciences , professor, member of the Writers` Union of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan`s Bakhtiyar Urisbaevich seduced recently awarded the International Prize of Zhambyl.
Promotion of creativity and the development of Zhambyl methods of studying his works in high school B.Smanov constantly engaged since 1978. Participated in special radio and television programs devoted to these issues, published in the press dozens of articles about the creative heritage of Zhambyl. He is in a special chapter of his book, devoted to the methods of teaching the subject "Kazakh literature" in the socio-humanitarian and natural and Mathematics, proposed a specific method for the study of the creative heritage of the great poet. Currently, secondary school teachers in the teaching of Kazakh literature favor of this method. The book has been reprinted many times.
Many people know that by the initiative of the rector of KazNPU named after Abai Academician Seryk Zhaylauovich Praliyev and under his personal leadership in this institution in 2011 was opened Research Institute "Zhambyl and folk poets" (Director of the Doctor of Philology, Professor B.Ybraimov ), a large contribution to the establishment of the Research Institute made a Professor Bakhtiyar Smanov in short period of time, this scientific institution has managed to publish a 4-volume collected works of Zh.Zhabayev and one that bibliographies of his works. In the Works included many previously unpublished works of Zhambyl and first published his songs and kui notes.
International Prize was awarded to B.Smanov by writer Nagashybai Kapalbekov director of the Foundation named after Zhambyl.
We sincerely congratulate Bakhtiyar Smanov with high rank of the winner of the prestigious award and we wish him great success in work.


Myrzakhan Akhmetov,
Head of Information Center
KazNPU named after Abai