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Scientific forum dedicated to the great scientis

In the current year, as it is known to all, our country by the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev will mark the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. When talking about the history of Kazakhstan, its statehood, the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people, need to mention the name of the famous scientist and historian E.B.Bekmakhanov, who in the years of repression, putting their lives in danger of death, fought tirelessly against the distortion of the history of his people . Organized by the Faculty of History and on working with foreign students of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Republican scientific-practical conference on the theme: "Kazakh Khanate (XV-XVIII centuries): an important stage in the national history," was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous scientist E.B.Bekmakhanov and the 90th anniversary of his spouse, academician H.A. Bekmukhamedova, who took part in the work of this scientific forum.
Moderator scientific-practical conference, Dean of the Faculty, Ph.D., professor Bolat Sagidollaevich Zhumagulov after the introductory speech at the plenary session gave the speech to the vice-rector KazNPU named after Abai for Academic Affairs, Ph.D., professor Kulsariyeva Aktolkyn Turlykhanovna, who comprehensively described the life and scientific-pedagogical activity of the outstanding scientist.
With instructive report revealing different aspects of the research activities of E.B.Bekmakhanov, also made by doctor of historical sciences, B. Irmukhanov, Head of the chair of Social History Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M.Koygeldiev, Professor of teaching methodology chair , Dr. Pedagogical Sciences B.Abdigulova, Doctor of philological sciences L.Zh. Kabyldashkyzy and other famous scientists.
After the presentations and discussions vice - rectors of the University, Professors A.T.Kulsariyeva, G.K.Kenzhebayev, as well as director of the Institute of Philology, Professor B.Abdugaziuly, Head of the chair of Russian language and literature S.Zh.Abisheva congratulated academician Halima Adamkyzy Bekmukhamedova with 90 -year anniversary and presented to her diploma "Honorary Professor" of the university, also a breast badge "Abai". Scientific and practical conference continued its work in sections.