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Sekerova Tolganay Maratovna



Sekerova Tolganai Maratovna was born on May 05, 1988 in the village of Abdilda Tazhibayeva of the Shieli district of the Kyzylorda region.

2006-2010 - studied at the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty "060700 - Biology" with the award of a Bachelor`s degree.

2010-2012 - worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University.

2012-2014 - entered the master`s degree program in the specialty "6M011300-Biology" and defended her master`s thesis on the topic "Biological features of the species of the mare family in the Trans-Ili Alatau" with the award of the academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences;

2014-2016 - worked at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, as a teacher of the Department of Ecology, then 2016-2018.  - Senior lecturer of the Department of Biology of the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University.

2018-2021 - entered the doctoral program in the specialty 6D011300 - "Biology" (PhD) of the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University.  In 2022, she defended and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D011300 - Biology (Order No. 93 of April 6, 2022, diploma No. 0250014).

2021-2022 - worked as a methodologist of the Department of the Department of Design of educational programs at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.

Since September 2022, PhD., senior lecturer in the educational program "Biology", Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.



Educational institution


Date of graduation

Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University

 Biology Teacher


Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University

 Master of Pedagogical Sciences


Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University

PhD 6D011300 - Biology




Name of degree

Branch of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D011300-Biology






- Ecophysiology of plants (in kaz. language)

- Physiology of the development of schoolchildren (in kaz. language)

- Biology of individual development (in kaz. language)



Research topics

1. Biological features of the species of the mare family in the Trans-Ili Alatau

2. Methodology of professional formation of a biology teacher based on the study of a population (Puccinia recondita a.sp. tritici) of brown wheat rust


Educational-methodical, teaching aids

1. Bakirova K. Sh., Mutlu M., Tileubaeva Zh.S. Methodology for the formation of professional qualifications of students on the basis of Mycophytopathological research// educational and methodological manual. - Almaty 2020.

Scientific papers published in scientific journals of the international list of Scopus databases.

1. M.Kurmanbayeva,  Zh. Tileubayeva, T.Kaiyrbekov, A.Kusmangazinov, Sh. Shapalov, A.Madenova, M. Burkitbayev, N. Bachilova Influence of new sulfur-containing fertilizers on performance of wheat yield//Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences ( IF 2.802 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.04.073, p: 1-12


Scientific papers published in foreign rating (foreign expert) scientific journals.

1. Tleubayeva Zh. S., M Aitzhanova.O., Nurmakhanbeto M. G. Effectiveness of leaf Brown grain LR-resistance genes of spring wheat selection // new opportunities for the development of scientific cooperation in Europe on April 20-21, 2020. Aachen, Germany, No. 3.

2. Tileubaeva Zh.S. Puccinia recondita rob.ex.f. sp. tritici - the importance of local monitoring of brown rust disease in wheat // Uluslararasi eğitim ve işiniti bilimler symposium, ISBN-978-625-7029-26-1antalya (Turkey).-24-25 November 2019.


Scientific articles published in journals of the list of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. Tileubayeva Zh.S., Aitzhanova M. O., Nurmakhanbeto M. G. Teaching wheat brown rust disease (Puccinia Recondita) in Phytopathology in laboratory conditions// Kaznpu "Bulletin", pedagogy series-Almaty, 2020.- № 2 (82).

2. Zh.S. Tileubayeva, A. A. Idris, M. O. Aitzhanova, K. Sh.Bakirova, M. Mutlu, G.B. Admanova Indicators of productivity and resistance of domestic and foreign wheat varieties to rust // Al - Farabi Kazakh National University "Bulletin", Biology series-Almaty, 2021. - №3 (84).

3. Bakirova K. Sh., Mutlu M., Tileubayeva Zh.S. Effectiveness of the use of the combination of theoretical knowledge with practice in the educational process// L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series-Nur-Sultan, 2022. - №4 (137).

4. Tileubayeva Zh.S., Aitzhanova M.O. Structural and content model for the formation of professional qualifications of biology teachers// Abylai Khan kazhf university "bulletin", pedagogy series - Almaty, 2022 No. 3 (66).


List of articles published at international scientific and practical conferences organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. Anuarova L. E., Musadildaeva A.M. Differences in the structure and dynamics of growth of seeds of Singularity and dicotyledonous plants// materials of the international scientific and practical conference "trends in the development of Science and education in the field of Natural Sciences", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor B. M. Butin, Almaty, October 7-8, 2016.

2. Maui A.A. Viral diseases of beetroot// materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary and 55th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical work of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K. N. Zhailybay. Almaty, November 25-26, 2016.

3. A.S.Musina, Abilmazhinova D.Z. On climate change in Kazakhstan // materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary and 55th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical work of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K. N. Zhailybay. Almaty, November 25-26, 2016.

4. Satimbekov R., Ormanbek A. Basic principles and conclusions of the biosphere teaching // materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary and 55th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical work of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K. N. Zhailybay. Almaty, November 25-26, 2016.

5. Satimbekov R., Mukhametkhan M. Causes of the environmental crisis and ways out of it // materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary and 55th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical work of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K. N. Zhailybay. Almaty, November 25-26, 2016.

6. Nurmukhametova A. features of environmental education and upbringing of the younger generation// materials of the international scientific and practical conference "formation of an innovative environment in youth associations of universities", dedicated to the birthday of D. I. Mendeleev, Almaty 2018.

7. Shyrynbek A. formation of ecological culture of personality// materials of the international scientific and practical conference "formation of an innovative environment in youth associations of universities", dedicated to the birthday of D. I. Mendeleev, Almaty 2018.

8. Abdukadirova zh. A., Tileubaeva Zh.S. Effectiveness of the use of modern methods in teaching the elective discipline Phytopathology// international scientific conference "actual problems of Ecology and nature management" dedicated to A. S. Akhmetov 70 February 14, 2020.

9. Tileubaeva Zh.S.  Resistance of spring soft wheat varieties to rust diseases// international scientific and practical conference "systematic aspects of updating Science and knowledge" dedicated to the memory of R. K. Zheksembiev. 26.11.2021.


Scientific works published in scientific journals of Kazakhstan.

1. Abdrasilova M. Biological specificity of wheat rust diseases // Basis of Biology and literacy (scientific and pedagogical Journal) No. 6, 2018.

2. Satimbekov R., Khodzhanazarova K. From bread begins a blessing // Educational tool (Republican scientific and pedagogical journal) №5 Almaty -2016.

3. The fate of nature // Republican public and environmental newspaper "Atameken" №11 (248)1-15 June 2016.

4. Caring for nature is the most important profession // Newspaper humanity and the environment, No. 10 (589) 27 May 2016.

5. On specially protected natural areas in Kazakhstan // Republican public and environmental newspaper "Atameken" №10 (247) May 16-31, 2016.




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