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Shіldebayev Zhumadil Baydildaevich



Childibayaev Dzhumadil B.

Date of birth

20 September 1947


Graduated from Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in 1972.

In 1985 graduated from postgraduate education of Zoology Institute of SA of KazUSR.

Academic degree

 In 1982 - Defended Candidate`s dissertation.

In 2007 - Defended Doctoral dissertation.

In 1989, associate Professor

In 2007, Professor

Place of employment

1974-1985 Junior researcher of the Institute of Zoology;

1985-1991 Senior Researcher of the Kazakh Institute of Plant Protection

1991-1993 Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Geography of Kazakhstan KazPI named after Abai

1993- head of the laboratory "Ecology of landscapes and protection of natural resources"

2008-2011. Dean of the chemical-biological and geography-ecological faculty of KazNPU named after Abai

2011-2013 works as the head of the department of natural specialty of the Institute of Master and PhD doctoral studies

Since 1991 to this day is a professor at the Department of Biology of KazNPU named after Abai

Scientific interests

Study of biodiversity of Kazakhstan and the formation of environmental education of students biologists


Published more than 300 scientific articles, 2 monographs, 40 textbooks and manuals. Author of new generation "Biology" school textbooks (9-11 class "Ecology" (class 9), academic and methodological complex for secondary schools.


1. Биогеография. Оқулық. ЖШС РПБК «Дәуір», - Алматы.  - 2012ж. Ж.Б.Шілдебаев, А.М.Сергеева, А.М.Темірова, Р.І.Ізімова.

2. Қызылорда облысының өсімдіктер әлемі: Оқу құралы. Астана «Фолиант».  - 2013. Авторлар ұжымы

3. Экология және тұрақты даму. Оқулық. Астана «Фолиант».  - 2014. А.Нұрғызарынов, Ж.Шілдебаев.

4. Қазақстанда ерекше қорғалатын табиғи аумақтар және биоалуантүрлілік. Оқу құралы. - Алматы «Нұр-принт». -2012. Сәтімбеков Р., Келимсейіт Е., Шілдебаев Ж.

4. Биология: Жалпы білім беретін мектептің жаратылыстану-математика бағытындағы 11-сыныбына арналған оқу құралы. - Өңделген - 3 бас.Алматы «Мектеп».  - 2015. -112 б. Р.Сәтімбеков, Р.Әлімқұлова, Ж. Б. Шілдебаев.

5.Экологияны оқыту технологиясы. Оқу құралы. - Алматы: Қарасай, 2015.- 252 б. Ж.Б.Чилдибаев, М.Б. Аманбаева.

6. Биологияға кіріспе. Оқу құралы. - Астана: Фолиант, 2015.- 352 б. Ж.Б.Чилдибаев, А.Ермекбаева

7. Obtaining research skills on studing of the elective subject «The Bioloecological Features of Fungi affecting Grains in Granaries». 3-rd International Scientific Conference «Theoretical and Applied sciences in the USA»: Hosted by the CIBUNET Publishing. - New York. April 11, 2015.  - РР.38-41.

8.Faunistic study on Hemiptera: Heteroptera - Natural Regulators of the Mosquitos (the Culicidae) in the «Altyn -Emel» State National Natural Park, Kazakstan. //Journal of Animal and Veterinary advances. 14(6): 2015, ISSN:1680-5593. SJR_2014:0,176 (Scopus). - Pakistan, 2015. - P.167-174. М. Amanbaeyeva, J. Childibayev, P. Esenbekova.

9. Obtaining research skills on studing of the elective subject «The Bioloecological Features of Fungi affecting Grains in Granaries»// 3-rd International Scientific Conference «Theoretical and Applied sciences in the USA»: Hosted by the CIBUNET Publishing. - New York. April 11, 2015.  - РР.38-41

10. Экологизация образования как средство формирования экологической культуры обучающихся/«Педагогическое образование и наука». Научно-методический журнал, - №5, МГОУ, - Москва, 2017., - стр.11-15.

Participation in research projects

 Project Manager Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and projects of the university


1.A member of the Dissertation Council of the Abai KazNPU protection and award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the profile (Natural Sciences and Geography)

2.Chairman of the veterans Council of Abai KazNPU

3.Member of the Academic Council of Abai KazNPU

3. Adviser for 6D011300 Biology students

Contact information

8 777 2355959;

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