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   Главная / Baysalbayeva Tursynkan Mukhangalievna

Baysalbayeva Tursynkan Mukhangalievna


Brief autobiography
10.08.1953 year of birth, Andreevka village, Taldy-Kurgan.  She graduated from secondary school No. 2 in the village of Andreevka, Taldy-Kurgan region. In 1981 she graduated from the Faculty of History of KazPI.Abai was awarded the qualification of a teacher of history and social studies. She worked as a deputy dean for educational work. Supervised the research work of students and undergraduates.  Additionally, she performed the duties of the Trade Union Committee of employees at the Institute of History and Law.  I regularly publish in national and international publications. She has published a monograph "Small towns of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity". She has published a textbook "Socio-political structure and political trends in the "Golden Age" of Ancient Rome". She developed the working programs "Urban Studies: zertteu adisteri; saraptamalar", "History of single-industry towns and their teaching methods", "Visual anthropology", "Cultural anthropology", New technologies in historical research: methods and practice of use, etc. in Kazakh and Russian. Expert on verification: "Examination of test tasks for external evaluation of academic achievements in higher education" was

awarded the Jubilee medal "Abai atyndagy Kazak ulttyk pedagogicalyk universitetine 90 zhyl" for contribution to the development of the university.  She was a member of the jury that presided over the Kasyl Katykbayeva competition "Teacher status - honor of the nation" among teachers of the Medeu district of Almaty. "Letter of Thanks" - Presented by the State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Egyptian Center for Culture and Education in Almaty. In 2021, she was awarded the badge "Uzdik Ustaz", certificate No. 785



Educational Institut


Completion date

KazPI named after Abai

Teacher of history and social studies.




Name of the academic degree

Area of science

Date of the certificate issue

Candidate of Historical Sciences

07.00.02. Domestic history (of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

May 21, 2004



Name of the academic title

Date of assignment


September 27, 2007


AREAS OF RESEARCH: "Urban Studies: Research Methods; expertise", "history of monogorodov and their methods of preparation", "visual anthropology", "Cultural Anthropology", modern history of Kazakhstan , new technologies in historical research: methods and practices of use, methodology of social history and research methods of Dr.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications 

1.Socio-economic development of small towns of Kazakhstan (1959-200)

2.Small towns of Kazakhstan: history and modernity - Monograph

3."Socio-political leadership and political trends in the "Golden Age" of Ancient Rome- - a textbook.




1.Monograph - "Small towns of Kazakhstan: history and modernity"

2."Regional peculiarities of the formation of small towns of Kazakhstan." Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin Volume 1. No. 2

3."The main factors of the development of economic sectors in small towns of Kazakhstan" materials of the conference of KazNPU named after Abai.

4."Formation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its role in the formation of the foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan" Bulletin of KazNU/series of Oriental studies

5.The seventh side of the great step. kazakhstan is the homeland of apples and tulips





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