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Nasirova Diana Makhmutovna



Nasirova D.M. was born on November 20, 1983 in the Almaty region. She completed an internship at the University of Wuppertal (Germany), as well as at the Higher Technical Institute of Porto (Portugal). On November 20, 2013, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Three-particle effects in the radiation of superdense stars." She has more than 40 scientific papers and publications, including: scientific articles that were published in journals included in the Thomson Reuters and Scopus databases; is a co-author of the textbook "Laboratory workshop in physics: virtual workshop "nanomaker", nanotechnology, thermodynamics"; co-author of the monograph "Problems of nuclear astrophysics (State of matter under extreme conditions)". He is a performer in scientific projects. English language (GeneralEnglish) - Pre-Intermediate certificate. She completed training with Professor N. Otsuko of Osaka University (Japan). attended advanced training courses under the ORLEU program, and advanced training courses on digitalization and gamification of education under the guidance of A. Kommisarov. She completed an internship through Erasmus+ at the University of Leipzig, Germany (2023). Nasirova D.M. conducts active teaching activities. She gives lecture courses at KazNPU named after. Abaya. Supervises dissertation works of master`s and doctoral students, who have repeatedly won university and republican competitions among students and master`s students. He is the developer of educational programs 6B05302-Physics, 7M05302-Physics, 8D05302-Physics. Acted as an external expert of the IAAR agency for accreditation of educational programs.



Educational institution


Expiration date

Abay University

Physics and computer science teacher

2005 y

Abay University

Physicist teacher

2007 y

Abay University

PhD in 6D060400-Physics

2013 y


scientific DEGREE

Scientific degree




6D060400- Physics



ACADEMIC TITLE: associate university professor


Bachelor`s degree: Introduction to astrophysics, physics of the atom and atomic nucleus, introduction to materials science, quantum mechanics;

Master`s degree: Physics of energy processes, basic principles of modern physics, problems of nuclear astrophysics;

Doctoral studies: high energy astrophysics.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics in the field of theoretical and nuclear astrophysics

1. N.Zh. Takibayev, K.Kato, M. Takibayeva, A. Sarsembayeva, D.Nasirova. Neutron Resonances in Few-Body Systems and the EOS of Neutron Star Crust // Few-Body Systems, Springer -Verlag Wien, 2013, - P.1-4. DOI: 10.1007/s00601-013-0598-0.

2. Takibayev N., Kato K., D.M. Nasirova. Excited Nuclei in Neutron Star Crusts // Advanced Studies Theor. Phys. Hikari Ltd. - Vol.7. - №. 4. P. 151-161. - 2013.

3. НасироваД.М. Кур­ман­га­лиеваВ.О., Спа­но­ваГ.А., Му­ха­мед­жа­но­ваА.М. Проб­ле­мы ядер­ной аст­ро­фи­зи­ки (Сос­тоя­ниеве­ще­ст­вавэкс­тре­маль­ныхус­ло­виях). Ал­ма­ты. «Қазақ университеті». - 2015. ISBN 978-601-04. - С.140

4. N.Takibayev, D.Nasirova, K.Kato, V.Kurmangaliyeva. Excited nuclei, resonances and reactions in neutron star crusts. Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Conference (NPA VII) IOP Publishing. IOP Conf. Series: JournalofPhysics: Conf. SeriesVol. 940 (2018) 012058 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012058.

5. D.NasirovaN.Takibayev, V.Kurmangaliyeva. Calculation of neutron resonances parameters of scattering by system of two heavy nuclei. 3-th Almaty International Workshop Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Book of Abstracts, 14-16 April, 2016, p.43-44

6. N.Takibayev, D.Nasirova, K.Kato, V.Kurmangaliyeva. Excited nuclei, resonances and reactions in neutron star crusts. Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Conference (NPA VII) IOP Publishing. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Vol. 940 (2018) 012058 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012058.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - research topics in the field of problems of training future physics teachers.

1.Насирова Д.М., Мырзатай М., Усенова А., Нурахмет Б. Адаптирование установки СММ-2000 к научным работам обучающихся, по изучению поверхности различных материалов. Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая. серия "Физико-математические науки". № 4 (60), 2020 г. с.128

2.Насирова Д.М. Ерженбек Б., Нурмухамедова Ж.М., Нурбаева Д.М. ОБЗОР КЛЮЧЕВЫХ МОМЕНТОВ ПРИ РАЗРАБОТКЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ПРОГРАММ ПО ПОДГОТОВКЕ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ ПО ЕСТЕСТВЕННО-НАУЧНЫМ ПРЕДМЕТАМ. Москва. - Вестник науки и образования. № 7 (110) Ч.1, 2021. с. 7-10.

3.    Битибаева Ж.М., Насирова Д.М., Рыстыгулова В.Б., Мырзатай М.М. Исследовательские умения будущего учителя физики как компонент его профессиональной деятельности в условиях смешанного (оффлайн и онлайн) обучения. Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия педагогика и психология. № 1(50), 2022.с.204-2015.



1) For her contribution to the development of the university she was awarded the badge "Abai at.KazҰPU 90 zhyl" (2018)

2) Letter of gratitude from the rector of KazNPU named after. Abay for high performance in the university teaching staff rating system (2019)

3) For her contribution to the training of professional personnel, she was awarded the badge of KazNPU named after. Abay "Uzdik Ustaz" (2020)



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