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              The staff of Abai KazNPU wholeheartedly congratulations on the election to academicians of the NAS RK:
- Baktiyar U. Smanov - Head of the Rector`s Office, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor;
- Mambet K. Koigeldiyev - head of the department of academician T.S. Sadykov History of Kazakhstan, doctor of historical sciences, professor.
               Congratulations on election to corresponding members of the NAS RK:
- Alma Y. Abylkasymova - Director of the Center for the Teacher Education Development, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor;
- Gabit K. Kenzhebayev - Vice-rector for teaching and methodical work, doctor of historical sciences, professor.
            These high titles are a confirmation of not only an enormous contribution to the domestic science, but also a recognition of merit in the preparation of the younger generation of researchers and scholars in the field of humanitarian and pedagogical sciences!
            We wish great success and new achievements, good health and prosperity!