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Tokhtamova Raushangul Kurbanovna


I was born 17/05/1959, graduated from school number 92 in Almaty, from 1981-1986 studied at the Faculty of Philology in Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abay with specialty "Teacher of the Russian language and literature at the national school". Since 1986 I worked as a teacher, senior teacher at the Department of Practical Russian Language in Kazakh State University named after Abay. At present: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay,

I have 80 published works. I combine scientific and teaching activities.



Educational Institution


 Finish Date

Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abay

Teacher of Russian language and literature at the national school



TEACHING DISCIPLINES: Undergraduate: discipline "Russian language"


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY -Pragmatic technology of teaching Russian language in the Kazakh audience.

1. Article "The system of lexical and grammatical tasks to activate tourist terminology in the speech of students. Magazine "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" No. 11/2, 2019, p. 281-284.

2. Article "Organization of educational material in the manual" Professional Russian language for the specialty "5В0111400 - History". Magazine " Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education "№ 1/2020, p.254-264.

 3. Article "Activation of logical thinking of students by drawing up flowcharts." Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century." - Astana, April, 2020 - pp. 79-84.

4. Article "The system of tasks for the formation of compression skills among law students". Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Science and technology - a step into the future", - Prague. January 20-28, 2020, pp. 13-20.

5. Article "System of tasks for the assimilation of scientific vocabulary in the speech of students." Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Russian language and literature in the modern educational space: theory and practice Kazakh National University named after  Al-Farabi. - Almaty, February 28, 2019

6. Article "On the formation of the professional speech of future specialists by means of the Russian language" Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference "New scientific directions of Kazakh linguistics", Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay -Almaty, May 15, 2018


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - Published 15 textbooks on the correction course of the Russian language, on the Russian language, the scientific style of Russian speech: 1. Russian language Textbook for students of physical and mathematical specialties. Part I. Almaty: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay Publishing house "Ulagat". 2019 - 284 p. (co-authored by R.I. Bekishev, G.A. Kazhigaliev).

2. Russian language. Textbook for students - lawyers.part I. Almaty: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Publishing house "Ulagat". 2019 -306 p. (co-authored by R.I. Bekishev, G.A. Kazhigaliev).

3.Russian language. A textbook for students specializing in fine arts and drawing. Part I. Almaty: KazNPUim.Abay. Publishing house "Ulagat"., 2019. 342c. (co-authored by G.A. Kazhigaliev, R.I. Bekisheva).

4. "Manual on the culture of Russian speech" for students of Kazakh departments of pedagogical universities. Textbook Almaty: Publishing house "Ulagat", Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, 2013. - 324p. (under the editorship of G.A. Kazhigaliev).

5. Russian language (correction course) for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Textbook ..- Almaty: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, 2009. 116 p.

(co-authored by R. I. Bekishev, T. D. Kochergin).



In 2013 she was awarded the "Uzdikustaz" badge.

In 2018 she was awarded the medal of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay


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