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Zhamenkeev Yerbolat Kenzhakanovich



Zhamenkeev Erbolat Kenzhakanovich was born on 01/01/1967 in the Almaty region. In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of Al-Farabi KazNU with a degree in Mechanics. From 1988 to 2003, he worked at the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of Al-Farabi KazNU in the positions of laboratory assistant, mechanic, engineer and specialist of the I-category. In 1998 he completed his postgraduate studies. Since 2003 he has been working as a senior lecturer, assistant professors of the Abai KazNPU. At the proper scientific and methodological level, he gives lectures, conducts practical, laboratory classes in the disciplines "Applied Mechanics", "Theoretical Mechanics", "Variational Principles of Mechanics", "Analytical Mechanics", etc. Actively participates in the development and implementation of research projects, public works and sports and cultural events of the department and faculty, in the organization and conduct of the educational process. Published more than forty scientific articles, received a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for two inventions. In 2009 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 01.02.06 - Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment on the topic "Dynamic calculation and design of a hydraulic turbine of a damless micro HPP with an optimal position of the blades".



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

KazNU named after al-Farabi





Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of Technical Sciences

01/02/06 - Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment


22.10.2009 .



Academic title

Date of award

Acting associate professor of KazNPU named after Abay.



TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)Bachelor`s degree:
1.Theoretical mechanics
2. Theory of mechanisms and machines
3. Mechanics of structural elements
4. Models of continuum mechanics
5. Processing a product on industrial machines
6. Applied mechanics
7. Theoretical foundations of mechanical engineering
Master`s degree:
Selected chapters of theoretical and applied mechanics

Theory of robots and manipulators
Theory and practice of higher professional education

Variational principles of mechanics
Theoretical foundations of the study of microHP
Mechanics of industrial robots, etc.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant ones) The main scientific areas are the development and research of the MicroHPP hydraulic turbine and the piston hydraulic pump with the drive of damless hydraulic turbines.

1. K. Bissembayev*, Zhamenkeyev Y.К.** ISSN 1392 - 1207. MECHANIKA. 2015.Volume 21(4):277-284. Study of non-steady process in "Single-acting piston pump - damless pitched-blade hydroturbine" hydrodynamic system

2. Жаменкеев Е.К., Ергалиев Р.К. «Применение программного обеспечения javafoil для расчетов аэродинамических профилей» Вестнике КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия «Физико-математические науки» №4(52), 2015г.

3. Жаменкеев Е.К., Д.А.Кинжебаева, А.Есіркеп «Кәсіптік оқыту сабақтарында Блум таксономиясын қолданудың ерекшеліктері»,  Вестнике КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия «Физико-математические науки» №2(50), 2015г., С.140-146.

4. Жаменкеев Е.К. «Суға толық батырылған  сутурбинасы қалағына әсер етуші гидравликалық теңәсерлі күш моментін анықтау». Вестнике КазНПУ имени Абая. Серия «Физико-математические науки» №4(56), 2016г., С.140-146.

5. Zhamenkeyev Y.К .,Sarsekeyeva A., Kinzhebayeva D. «Development of algorithms of industrial robot training systems», MECHANIKA 2017, Proceedings of the 22nd international scientific conference, 19 May 2017, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant)
Participated in the implementation of the following research projects:
- To develop scientific and methodological foundations for the functioning of 12-year secondary education, taking into account the characteristics of various types of schools (headed by prof. A. Baimakhanuly)
- Development of highly efficient functional parts (hydro turbines, generators, transmission mechanisms, etc.) of small damless hydroelectric power plants and the technology of manufacturing, testing and assembly of the unit based on the modular cascade principle (headed by prof. A.K. Tuleshov)
- "Creation of an electronic textbook for the physics section" Optics "(done in Kazakh). (headed by E.K. Zhamenkeev),
- Improving the content of continuous natural science education in physics, astronomy, chemistry and biology in the system: school - pedagogical college - pedagogical university - pedagogical university of the Republic of Kazakhstan (headed by prof. G. Ualiev)
- Mathematical modeling and optimization of parameters of hydromechanical systems (headed by prof.G. Ualiev)
- "Dynamics of one-way and two-way piston hydraulic pump with a drive of damless hydraulic turbines" (headed by prof. G. Ualiev).

- E.K.Zhamenkeev, M.K.Asanaliev, O. Artotoev, Zh.Zh. Zhumagalieva, E.M. Baizakova, R. Turkmen "Pedagogical, social and psychological nature of the patterns of legal socialization of the individual" Collection of scientific papers on the results of II -International scientific and practical conference No. 2, St. Petersburg. Russia, January 14, 2015.259p.
- E.K.Zhamenkeev, M.K.Asanaliev, Zh.M. Omirzhanova, E.M. Bayzakova, Z.R.Arkabaeva "Modern teaching methods in the process of organizing students independent work" Materials of the XXXI-th International Scientific and Practical Conference for students, graduate students and young scientists "psychology and pedagogy: theoretical and practical aspects of modern sciences" / Russia, Moscow, February 28, 2015, p. 5-11
-. E.K.Zhamenkeev, D.A.Kinzhebaeva "The introduction of robotics into the educational space of the school", "Khabarshy Physicist and mathematician Gylymdary serisy", Abai atyndagy KazPU, 2018zh. No.4 (64)
-. Zhamenkeev E.K., Esirkep A.N. Roboticists oytu adisternin tiimdiligi, Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, series of physical and mathematical sciences, No.
-. E.K.Zhamenkeev, D.A.Kinzhebaeva, A.S. Sarsekeeva "Development of an algorithm for a manual training system for an industrial robot", Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, series of physical and mathematical sciences, No. 2 (66) 2019

He was awarded the jubilee medal of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the honorary diploma of the rector of KazNPU named after Abai and the jubilee medal "Abai atyndagy Kazak ulttyk pedagogical university 90 zhyl".



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