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   Главная / Sangilbayev Ospan Seydullaevich

Sangilbayev Ospan Seydullaevich


1. Year of birth: 07. 04. 1953.

2. Education: higher, 1970-1974 - Dzhambul pedagogical institute, qualification "Teacher of physics of secondary school".

- 1990-1991. APN USSR VIPiPK (All-Union Institute of Retraining and Advanced Studies) qualification "Teacher of Psychology. Practical psychologist. Moscow.

- 1994-1995 Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. qualification "Psychology".

3. Academic degree, title: doctor of psychological sciences, professor, member of the Moscow Society of Psychologists, member of the Presidium of the Kazakh Society of Psychologists, Best Teacher KazNPU named after Abay - 2008, Best Teacher of the University of MES RK-2010.

4. Information about the work:

1974-1987 the teacher of physics of DGMSI (Dzhambul gidomelyaliativny institute), the teacher of physics of the Secondary school of 23 im. K.D. Ushinsky, inspector of the district.

1987-1995 teacher, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, deputy dean of the faculty of physical education and ZO DPI.

1996-2002 Senior Lecturer, Acting Associate Professor of Psychology and Sociology, TarSU. M.H. Dulati.

2002-2007 SNA, acting. associate professor, chair of "General Psychology" ASU Abai.

2008-2011 Head of the Department of "General and Applied Psychology" KazNPU named after Abay.

2012-2018 years. Ph.D., professor of the department "Pedagogy and Psychology KazNPU named after Abay.

5. 2009-2011 member of the expert commission of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry

2012,2013, a member of the council for the protection of Doctor PhD KazNU. Al-Farabi

2016-2018 a member of the council for the protection of Doctor PhD ENU named after LN Gumilev.

2011, 2012 Chairman of the State Joint Stock Company ZhenPi,

2013, 2014 Chairman of the SAC KazNU. Al-Farabi

2015, 2016 Chairman of the SAC Kainar Academy.

2003-2005 member of the working group of the developers of the State Educational Establishment, model programs on 17 subjects of bachelor`s and master`s degrees in "Psychology", Pedagogy and Psychology ".

6. - Manager and developer of applied projects "Educational and methodological support of self-knowledge and self-development" 2007, 2008 (grant of the rector KazNPU named after Abai;

- Manager and developer of the applied project "Formation of the Healthy Policy of the Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2012-2014 (grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- "Жаңа гуманитарлық білім. Қазақ тіліндегі 100 жаңа оқулық »жобасы ҚР Тұңғыш Президенті -« Рухани жаңғыру »memlekettik баддарламасы аясында іске асырылған. "Ұлттық аударма bureaus" қоғамдық қоры, Қазіргі psychology of tariffs. 11-bassyly. Almaty: Ұлттық аударма bureaus. - 2018 g. - 448 bet. Әлеуметтік психология. 12-bassyl. - Almaty: Ұlttyқ aydarma bureau. - 2018 g. - 560 bets

7. Certificates: more than 25 certificates of professional development (Moscow, Novosibirsk, Czech Republic, Astana and others.

8. Languages: Kazakh, Russian - fluent, English with a dictionary.

9. Marital status: married, have 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren.

10. Work experience: scientific and pedagogical for 40 years.

11. Scientific school: prepared: 1 - candidate of psychological sciences, 36 masters of psychology and pedagogy, 1 PhD doctor.

12. Published scientific works: In all, more than 310 scientific works have been published, 93 for the last 5 years. Among them: 21 - in publications recommended by CCSON MES RK, 40 - in materials of international scientific conferences, 4 - in scientific publications of foreign countries, 1 in the international scientific journal of the base of the company Scopus (SJR: 0.125). 3 monographs, 9 educational-methodical and methodical manuals, 15 in other magazines of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

13. Courses taught (bachelor`s, master`s, doctoral studies): "History of psychology", "General psychology", "Pedagogical psychology", "Age psychology", "Psychology and development of man", "Psychology-pedagogical" zertteulerdegi matematicals "statistics" әdister " , "Қазіргі кезеңдегі әлеуметтік психологиның теолық-әдіснамалық негіздері", "Білім беру жүйесінде денсаулық сақтау саясатын қалыптастыру", "Psychology-pedagogicals" ғılımdárdıң Қазақстанда dama tarihy және тренлары "," Жоғары мектеп psychology "," Management psychology ", etc.


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