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Yesimkulova Symbat Sultangankyzy



Symbat S. Yessimkulova, born on May 4, 1978 in Almaty region. Nationality - Kazakh. In 1995 graduated from the A. Kasteev secondary school.

In 1995, she entered Abylay Khan Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages on specialty English Teacher. Graduated from the university in 1999.

In 2010, she entered the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University for a master`s degree in specialty "6M011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages", graduated from the university in 2012, and received a Master`s degree in Pedagogical Sciences.

1999 - 2001 worked as an English teacher at Abylai Khan Kazakh State University of International Relations and Languages. 2001-2011, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages at Abai KazNPU. She worked as a chief specialist of international cooperation department of Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University. From 2016 till present, she has been working as a senior lecturer at Abai KazNPU.



Educational institution


Graduation date

Kazakh Abylai Khan State University of International Relations and World Languages

Teacher of English  


Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University

Master of pedagogical sciences

Specialty: Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages



Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Master of Pedagogical Sciences


Pedagogical Sciences

Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University 19.06.2012



1. Foreign language

2. Practical grammar

3. Advanced foreign language

4. Methods of teaching foreign languages

5. Professionally oriented foreign language

6. Improving teaching methods using online platforms

7. Language for academic purposes



1.The emotional intelligence development of future English language teachers. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning -Vol 15, No 17 (2020). 148-164 p.p. ORCID: 0000-0002-73809420

2. Language personality of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly as a phenomenon: national character and military-patriotic views. Vestnik of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.. No. 4(141), 2022, pp. 184-195

3. The role of the development of the emotional component in the preparation of the future specialist in the University. Vestnik of the NAS RK and KazNPU. No. 5 (399), 2022; 161-171 b

4. Semantic of the study of military vocabulary (based on the military prose material of B. Momyshuly). Vestnik KGU. Philological series. No. 3 (2019); str. 36-40

5. The concept of language personality. Bulletin of PSU. Philological series. No. 4 (2019); pp. 149-157.



Medal «Үздік Ұстаз», Abai KazNPU, 2023.

Letter of thanks, Abai KazNPU, 2023.


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