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Preparation of third-year students for pedagogical practice in the conditions of dual education

From January 24 to 27, 2022, the Center of Pedagogical Excellence of Abai KazNPU, together with the trainers of JSC NCPD «Orleu», conducted a 20-hour course in the mode of distance learning in Kazakh and Russian on the topic «Preparation of third-year students for pedagogical practice in the conditions of dual training in the 2021-2022 academic year» for students of 3 courses of pedagogical specialties within the framework of dual training.

1950 students of pedagogical specialties of our university took part in the course. Lectures and practical classes were conducted by 10 certified trainers of Abai KazNPU and 9 coaches of JSC NCPD «Orleu».

Third-year students got acquainted with the prerequisites for updating the content of education, the content of standard curricula and important regulatory documents; reviewed the structure and principles of criteria assessment; had the opportunity to develop tasks for formative and summative assessment of the subject; received recommendations on the technology of selection of reflection and feedback methods, the compilation of headings. Particular interest was shown in the algorithm of working with modern types of planning and the methodical constructor of the lesson.

The students noted that despite the distance format of the courses, teachers created a favorable psychological environment and practical orientation of training, the trainers of JSC NCPD «Orleu» noted the high level of organization and information technology equipment of the courses, high interest and activity of students, exchange of ideas and expressed gratitude to the faculty of the University.

The second stage of the courses will be continued by certified teachers of Abai KazNPU. From January 28 to February 4, 2022, students of the university who have fully completed the 72-hour course will pass qualification testing and receive admission to practice in educational organizations.