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Meeting with Institutes of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

From 10 to 13 January 2017 in the Institutes of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University was held a visiting session on the topic: «Introduction to the commercialization and innovative startups». Meeting Moderators: Deputy Director of Research and Innovation Park - Edilbayev B.T., head of commercialization of scientific and technical activity results department - Lysenko V.S., Inspector - Akhmetova A.Z.

The purpose of the meeting was to stimulate entrepreneurial activity in the area of commercialization through familiarize participants with the practical aspects of the technology to market.

The meetings were attended by the director, deputy directors of institutes and academic staff.

During the meeting they discussed issues of creating a professional environment for developing sought-after business innovations on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation of business ideas in different directions, the creation and implementation of innovative start-up projects, objectives and tasks of the Scientific and Innovation Park in 2017, and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the commercialization of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities» etc. The law is aimed at the realization of the nation Plan - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms to improve the efficiency of the scientific sphere, the level of innovation and the development of high-tech industries in the priority sectors of the economy by promoting the commercial use of the results scientific and technical activities, to attract private enterprise to research projects.