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International scientific-practical conference "Methodology and practice of formation of competitive higher pedagogical education"


On 20 April, 2018 will be an international scientific and practical conference "Methodology and practice of becoming a competitive higher pedagogical education", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.


The purpose of the conference: a broad exchange of scientific achievements, concepts and views on topical issues of the formation of competitive higher pedagogical education (hereinafter - HPE).


Conference participants: scientists, teachers, students and other representatives of Kazakhstan and foreign higher educational institutions


Location: Almaty, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, 13, Dostyk Avenue, large conference hall (room 225), registration time from 8.00 to 09.00, beginning of the conference at 09.00.


Organizing committee address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazybek bi str., 30, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, chair of Pedagogy.


Directions of the conference:

1. Formation of a new paradigm of competitive HPE in the light of the President`s Addresses and strategic documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The influence of spiritual modernization of public consciousness on the formation of a new paradigm of competitive HPE

3. Methodological approaches, ideas and principles of formation of competitive HPE. Model of a new paradigm of competitive HPE.

4. Formation and development of competitiveness of future teachers as an urgent problem of HPE.

5. Foreign experience of formation of competitive HPE.

6. Acmeological aspect of the development of a competitive teacher in the HPE system.

7. Scientific and methodological support of competitive HPE.


Contacts: 8 (727) 2-91-19-81; Zhampeisova Korlan Kabykenovna - 8 701 726 77 21; Kolubaeva Sholpan Zhaksybaevna - 8 708 654 78 35; Berikhanova Ayman Yezhenkhanovna - 8 707 462 09 15.