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Dear scientific

and teaching staff of the chairs!


From 02 to 10 May 2018, the Department for Development Strategy and Quality Analysis conducts a rating assessment of the activities of the teaching staff and research staff of the University.


The main purpose of the rating assessment of the quality of the activity of the teaching staff and scientific staff of KazNPU is to stimulate the growth of qualifications, professionalism, the productivity of scientific and educational work, the development of the creative initiative of teachers and staff aimed at the innovative development of the University and improving the quality of its activities.


We ask you to download and fill in the forms "Self-report sheet of the teacher of the chair " and "Self-report sheet of the staff of the scientific unit".



For all questions, please contact the Department of Strategy for Development and Analysis of Quality at the address: Dzhambul, 25., office. 29, tel. 291-53-90, e-mail:



The self-report sheet of the teacher of the chair

The self-report sheet of staff of a scientific unit



Department of Development Strategy and Quality Analysis