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Continuation of good deeds

At the Abay Kazakh National University  pays  attention to students with the special social status. Rector of the University of S.Zh. Praliyev held a meeting with students from the number of socially vulnerable categories, 83 students with financial support has been provided.

Adiministration of the University on the eve of Women`s Day - 8 March continued the tradition. First Vice-Rector of the University, Professor M.Y.Yermaganbetov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor A.T. Kulsarieva, rector`s apparatus, professor B.O.Smanov, vice-rector for educational and methodical work, Professor G.K. Kenzhebaev, Vice Rector for research, professor V.N. Kossov, vice-rector for educational work, professor Zh.E. Ishpekbayev, pro-rector on economic and industrial issues G.K. Turabayev provided material support to female students of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University  among the socially vulnerable categories. During the meeting, the university leaders discussed issues of concern to students. "For you, our doors  always open ", - assured the Professor M. E. Ermaganbetov, thus confirming moral support university executives. In the rallied collective of the university will always follow good traditions