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Charity Event

At the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University  emphasis on social support for students careless education. University administration takes special care to students from poor families, orphans and half-orphans, disabled people. During training these students receive discounts from 30 to 50 percent. Some had the opportunity to study at the rector`s grant. All are given a place in a dormitory. 130 students are free to dine in the dining room of the university. Needy students with material assistance once a year. Recently  Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University`s rector S.Zh.Praliуev met with students from low-income families and orphans. During the meeting, Rector of interest in the needs and problems of these students. On the questions of students meet the rector, vice-rectors and directors of institutions.

   Rector has provided financial assistance to 83 students. "Such acts of charity will find continuation in the future. We never leave one of our students in a difficult situation "- said S.Zh.Praliyev .