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Seminar "Why the bank - it`s not about money, it`s about the consumer?"

       On the eve of the Day of financier on the day of the national currency - tenge, in the conference hall of the Institute of "Sorbonne-Kazakhstan" at base of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai held a scientific seminar on the theme "Why the bank - it`s not about money, it`s about the consumer?". The seminar was opened by Director of the Institute of "Sorbonne-Kazakhstan" doctor of economical sciences Nurlikhina G.B. , she noted that the students had the idea to invite the practitioner banker to obtain information from competent persons. The selection of speakers is on the recommendation of the Institute of French colleagues in order to ensure the practical component of training programs.
     "The aim of the seminar is to acquaint students with the basic directions of activity of JSC" ATF Bank ", structure and basic principles of its operation, as well as providing conditions for the free exchange of ideas, stimulate and support the research activities of students and undergraduates. The workshop serves as a platform for discussion of current issues and research activities of the bank. "
       The seminar was attended by head of chair of economics Imanberdiev B.D., Managing Director of JSC "ATF Bank" Kovalenko S. Yu. and a group of teachers and students, masters and doctoral students of the Institute. As the Speaker acted Managing Director of JSC "ATF Bank" Sergei Kovalenko, who told how banking should be taken and who is in the market will be able to compete with the banks in the future. Sergei Kovalenko in speech spoke about the banking business, based on client needs. For example, customer segmentation "ATF Bank" Managing Director spoke about how to increase the sales of banking products and methods of raising finance.
       At the end of the meeting the students and teachers were asked questions about the banking services of "ATF Bank". They were also able to learn about the possibility of a paid internship at a bank program "KoMeTa".
     In conclusion, Head of the chair of Economic Sciences Imanberdiev B.D. stressed the importance of such seminars and proposed future plans of the Institute to continue to organize such meetings with bankers, especially since the current speaker - Sergei Kovalenko ready, as often as possible to participate in such events.