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International Conference dedicated to Professor Y.Y. Bidaybekov

    At the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai held VII International scientific-methodical conference "MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (MM ITES)" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Y.Y. Bidaibekov, the 30th anniversary of the school of computer science. The Conference has a long and rich tradition, held since 1998.
    The conference is organized by KazNPU named after Abai and leading foreign universities: Moscow City Pedagogical University (Russia), Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev (Russia) and the National Testing Center of MES RK.
The aim of the Conference is the exchange of scientific and pedagogical experience and new scientific developments in the field of science and education, to discuss the problems of becoming the school of information science and education.
       Objectives of the Conference discussion and dissemination of innovative educational technologies, new knowledge and scientific advances in the field of mathematical modeling and the application of information and communication technologies in science and education, the development of closer links between scientists and educators from different countries, attracting renowned scholars in the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-technical the scope of the Republic of increasing international image of Kazakhstan.
        This conference was organized in close cooperation between Russian and Kazakh scientists, and for many years a platform to discuss innovations in the field of mathematics and mathematical modeling, computer science and information science and education.
       At the root of the Conference was the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Bidaibekov Yesen Yklasovich. It was he who took part in shaping the content and methods of teaching of a school course "Foundations of Computer Science" in the Republic of Kazakhstan, established and implemented terminology in the Kazakh language in computer science, providing input subject informatics in secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, the conceptual bases of informatization of education in the various pedagogical skills developed scientific school of Bidaibekoa Y.Y. The basic research of his students developed the theoretical and methodological foundations of education and information science education for all levels of education and the various aspects of training teachers of computer science. Scientific school of professor Bidaybekov Yesen Yklasovich employs 12 doctors of pedagogical sciences, 31 PhD, more than 30 masters of pedagogical sciences. Scientific-pedagogical activity of Yesen Yklasovich highly appreciated and recognized not only by scientists and educators of Kazakhstan, but also scholars of the world community. List of published scientific papers of Yesen Yklasovich includes more than 540 items, 20 monographs, 45 textbooks and teaching aids.
    Plenary session of the conference was opened by First Vice-Rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai professor M.Yermaganbetov. He handed Professor Y.Y.Bidaybekov congratulations and medal "The best teacher" from the name of university rector and staff of KazNPU named after Abai.
    Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Igor Mikhailovich Remorenko, representative of the Institute of Mathematics named after S.L. Sobelev SD RAS (Russia), Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Gavrillovich Romanov, a professor of the Omsk State Pedagogical University, academician RAS, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Pavlovich Lapchik, professor at the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Doctor of Physics -mathematical sciences , Professor Sergey Igorovich Kabanikhin, professor at the Moscow State Pedagogical University Sergey Georgievich Grigoriev in own speeches and reports particularly distinguished merit professor of KazNPU named after Abai Yesen Yklasovich Bidaibekov in introducing the course "Informatics" in Kazakh schools.

    Conference considered relevant and contemporary problems of mathematics and mathematical modeling, introduction of information technologies in science and education in the following areas: information technology in education, and informatization of education; Inverse and ill-posed problems of natural science; mathematics, computer science and information and mathematical modeling; Information Technology in Physics and Mathematics Education; pedagogical dimension.