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 International scientific and practical conference "Implementation of UNESCO`s strategy for teacher training: problems and ways of introduction of innovative technologies in the educational space" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of UNESCO


       In the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai hosted the International scientific and practical conference "Implementation of UNESCO`s strategy for teacher training: problems and ways of introduction of innovative technologies in the educational space" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of UNESCO under the auspices of the 10th anniversary of the rapprochement of cultures in the 2013-2022, which is held in the memory of academician Sadykov Tokmukhamed Salmenovich.
        The plenary session was attended by heads of departments, academic staff, students and undergraduates, as well as guests from renowned universities of abroad. Vice-Rector for Science of our the University, Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Kossov read to guests Congratulatory speech of Rector KazNPU named after Abai S.Zh Praliyev. Vladimir Kossov said that KazNPU named after Abai is constantly working to systematize Heritage of T.S. Sadykov: systematized and collected his works, every autumn reins scientific "Sadykov`s readings". Today`s conference is one of them. It is also reported good news, that came out a joint resolution of akimat and maslikhat to name one of the streets of our city named after Academician T.S. Sadykov.
     The conference made reports: Abylkasymova Alma Esimbekovna - Head of the chair, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of RAE, Director of the Center for Development of teacher education of the KazNPU naed after Abai on theme: "The need to develop pedagogical education in the conditions of innovative learning environment"; Sabikenov S.N.- academician of NAS RK, Doctor of Law, Professor on the theme: "The Role of Academician T.S. Sadykov in training legal personnel of higher qualification "; Isagaliuly Kairat Isagalievich - Honored diplomat of the RK, Professor, on the theme: "History of entering of Kazakhstan in UNESCO"; Karscheva L.V. - Ph.D. Professor of Kazan State University of Culture and Arts on the theme: "On the question of crisis familism paradigm to the paradigm of simulation marriage and family relations in teaching practice"; Fedorov A.I. - Professor, Ph.D. South Ural University, professor Sadykov B.Zh.- Kazakh Academy of Transport Communications named after M. Tynyshbayev "Pages eternal memory."
     After reports of V.N. Kossov said that today`s conference will run for four discussion sections on the following issues: "Vocational training and knowledge management in the modern school", "Methodological problems of the introduction of innovative technologies and innovative techniques in the educational process", "Culture, Art and Education in the context of sustainable development of Kazakhstan, "" Modernization of physical culture and sports in modern society "and summed up the plenary session.

Press Center of the KazNPU named after Abai