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The research activity of the Department of Special Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology is carried out in close cooperation with educational and methodological work, which allows training personnel in a wide range of specialties and directions. Its priority areas are:
1. Search and applied research in the field of special pedagogy and psychology;
2. Introduction of the results of scientific research into the practice of special educational organizations and general education organizations working in inclusive education;
3. Development of educational programs, educational and methodical literature for universities and special educational organizations;
4. Participation in events aimed at the exchange of scientific and practical experience on an international and national scale (conferences, seminars, etc.).

The research topic of the staff of the Department of Special Pedagogy is determined in line with the scientific research of the department on the topic «Scientific and methodological support of special education systems and higher special education».

The main tasks of the research work of the department:
- conducting relevant scientific research that contributes to the development of advanced domestic science in the field of training personnel of the special education system;
- enriching the educational process with the results of scientific research in the field of training specialists of the inclusive education system;
- improving the scientific qualifications of teaching staff in the republic and abroad;
- training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (doctoral, master`s, bachelor`s degree);
- development of textbooks, manuals and teaching materials for teaching staff of the special education system, universities engaged in the training of special teachers; students of special educational organizations;
- reviewing, examination of textbooks, textbooks, monographs, scientific articles and reports, educational and methodological complexes, State obligatory standard of education, etc.;
- development and editing of educational programs, textbooks, manuals, monographs, scientific articles and reports;
- information support of the university library;
- cooperation with scientific organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad;
- work as a member of expert commissions, editorial boards of scientific journals, scientific associations.


In 2023-2024, the teaching staff of the Department of Special Pedagogy participated in projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other organizations. Project developers and participants: research professor, doctor of psyhological sciences Zhienbayeva N.B., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate professor Autaeva A.N., candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Abayeva G.A., Senior Lecturer, Master Kemeshova A.M., candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer Baidildinov T.Zh.; candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Abayeva G.A. participates in international scientific and educational projects under the program «Erasmus+ Program of the European Union».

The indicators according to the scientometric data of the Department of Special Pedagogy are as follows: 94 publications were published in various foreign and republican publications and publishing houses, including:
- scientific articles published in foreign countries -3;
- scientific articles published in the near abroad - 2;
- scientific articles published in the journals of the CQASE of MSHE RK - 19;
- scientific articles published in other journals of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 33;
- abstracts of scientific conferences published in the far abroad - 2;
- abstracts of scientific conferences published in the near abroad - 3;
- abstracts of scientific conferences published in RK - 11;
- articles published in journals with an impact factor of 9;
- textbooks, manuals for teachers, standard curricula, workbooks for schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan- 7;
- textbooks for universities - 5.

The teachers of the department have obtained 11 copyrights within the framework of research. Also, this year the teaching staff of the department received 23 certificates of completion of advanced training courses in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the near and far abroad, which allows them to introduce innovations and modifications into the educational process.
Students and undergraduates actively participate in republican Olympiads, international competitions and take prizes.

The research conducted by the Department of Special Pedagogy is determined by the social order for scientific, theoretical and methodological support of the learning process of children with disabilities. These directions are also determined by the needs of the development and management of the social sphere of the special education system. The areas of scientific interests of the staff of the department correspond to the main directions of special pedagogy and specialties for the training of students: «Speech therapy», «Oligophrenopedagogy», «Sign language pedagogy», «Typhlopedagogy».

A special place in the scientific research of the Department of Special Pedagogy is occupied by the issue of teaching children with disabilities in the Kazakh language. In Kazakhstan, in recent years, there has been an active process of reforming preschool and school education in line with the ethno-cultural orientation of teaching children with disabilities, the formation and development of personal characteristics of children on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogy and ethnopsychology. In this case, the Department of Special Pedagogy of Abai KazNPU initiated the scientific and methodological substantiation of the content of special education, built on a bilingual and bicultural basis.

The teaching staff of the department continues to work on the development of educational and methodological support for the process of teaching children with disabilities in the Kazakh language in special (correctional) schools. Such works are of particular importance in the socialization of Kazakh children with any developmental disabilities, their national identification. The department also develops training programs, textbooks and teaching materials for preschool and school special education organizations with Russian and Kazakh languages of instruction.

The research activity carried out within the framework of these types of work reflects the newest scientific trends, is relevant and allows improving the system of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the conditions of bachelor`s, master`s and doctoral studies, which contributes to the deepening of both theoretical and practical, individual training of students, ensuring their professionalism, ability to creative search.

Strengthening the integrative processes of the special education system and pedagogical universities will become one of the promising innovative resources for improving the quality of education of children with disabilities, reflecting its synergetic effect. The inclusion of technology for monitoring the personnel of the special education system, based on the automated management of a complex of databases on the needs of the regions for specialists, the number of graduates of pedagogical universities, as mandatory, will help optimize the development strategies of a unified educational space for children with disabilities.

Teachers of the Department of Special Pedagogy take part in the development of educational programs for special (correctional) kindergartens and schools for children with hearing, intellectual disabilities (mental retardation, delayed mental development), speech, musculoskeletal system, vision.

The teaching staff of the Department of Special Pedagogy maintains contact with foreign and domestic universities:
1. Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski», Department of Special Pedagogy (Sofia, Bulgaria);
2. Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPSU, Moscow, Russia);
3. Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen (St. Petersburg, Russia);
4. Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia);
5. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kiev, Ukraine);
6. Armenian State Pedagogical University named after H.Abovyan (Yerevan, Armenia);
7. Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami (TSPU, Tashkent, Uzbekistan);
8. Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy (Warsaw, Poland);
9. Kyrgyz State University named after I.Arabaev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan);
10. Shakarim University (Semey, Kazakhstan);
11. Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh.Dulaty (Taraz, Kazakhstan);
12. South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after Ozbekali Zhanibekov (Shymkent);
13. Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after A.Margulan (Pavlodar);
14. Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov (Taldykorgan).