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International students forum: Moscow - Almaty

December 7, 2018 in Abai University students of the department of philological specialties for foreign citizens of 1, 2, 3 and 4 courses took part in the International Student Forum «My future: yesterday, today, tomorrow». The «Psychological Institute» of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia) organized this forum.

The goal of the Forum: cultural and psychological adaptation of foreign students in Kazakhstan; development of communication skills and self-presentation skills.

The students were divided into 3 teams: «I am yesterday», «I am today», «I am tomorrow». They prepared presentations and talked about what they see as the meaning of life in the past, today and in the future.

The supervisors of the teams were the teachers of the department of philological specialties for foreign citizens: Professor Bakitgu Balgazina l, Associate Professor Vitaliya Kazabeyeva, Associate Professor Guncham Nurakhunova, Lyailya Mamytbekova.

The jury members were: Popova Tatyana, the Head of the Forum, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Aigul Iskakova, Head of International Cooperation Department, Akylzhan Almassov, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Corresponding member of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, Saule Begaliyeva, the Head of the Department of Philology specialties for foreign citizens, Bayan Sapargaliyeva, the Head of international scientific and cultural relations Department, Isalieva Saule, the head of the Kazakhstan section of the International forum, the inspector of the scientific and cultural relations department.

Team members received diplomas «For the originality of the design!», «For Research Search», «For a creative approach».












Faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training (Foundation)