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Discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan continues

On 19 October, 2018, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held a discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan «Growth of Kazakhstan Welfare: Improving Incomes and Quality of Life», in which the deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of RK Kuanysh Sultanov participated.

The vice-rectors, heads of departments, teaching staff and students of the university took part in the discussion.

The meeting was opened by the first vice-rector Maktagali Bektemesov, who noted the main provisions of the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. Focusing the attention of those who gathered on the part of the Message that directly relates to young people, the first vice-rector said: «The President especially stressed in the Message that there are many tasks in the pedagogical sphere that we are called upon to solve as a matter of priority. The current Message of the Head of State creates wonderful opportunities for the younger generation. This also applies to obtaining a decent education, and solving the housing issue. All program documents of Elbasy are aimed at ensuring that the life of citizens of our country is constantly improved. Youth is our future. The president talks about this at various venues, drawing attention to the problems of the young, encouraging the young men and women to develop, to go forward. This appeal is supported by the great opportunities, which are created by the state. For young people, many programs are implemented, every year thousands of young professionals, university graduates, get new opportunities for a successful start in life. In our university, in the framework of the President`s Address, on the initiative of the rector Takir Balykbayev, a Project Office was created to support young university graduates, their employment and career growth».

The deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of RK Kuanysh Sultanov began his speech by congratulating the meeting participants on the 90th anniversary of the country`s oldest university, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, and its significant achievements in the field of pedagogical science and practical training of teachers for the republic. He paid special attention to the initiatives of the Head of State related to such a global task as «Improving the quality of life». In the context of its implementation, it is impossible to overestimate the role of the law «On the status of the teacher», compliance with essential mandatory conditions: «Increasing requirements for the quality of training in educational institutions», «Creating a comfortable living environment». The statement of the President of the country that «... next year ... it is necessary to develop and adopt the law «On the status of a teacher» is a huge breakthrough for teachers. The most important (and this should be emphasized again) is that in modern conditions the requirements for the quality of training are increasing. Among the main criteria for assessing the success of a university is the training of highly qualified specialists...»

Head of the chair of Law Ermek Buribaev, Head of the Project Office Maksat Zhakau, 1st year student of the Sorbonna-Kazakhstan Institute Alexander Permyakov spoke at the meeting.

The participants in the discussion asked the deputy questions for which detailed answers were received. There was also an active exchange of views on various aspects of the qualitative implementation of the tasks of the President`s Address and on current issues relating to improving the quality of life, raising salaries for university teachers, youth employment, the large-scale «7-20-25» program, etc.

At the end of the discussion of the President`s Message, First Vice-Rector Maktagali Bektemesov handed Kuanysh Sultanov a badge dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university, and books on the history of the university and historical figures who made a significant contribution to its formation and development.










Department of Public Relations