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Development of new educational programs for pedagogical specialties

In pursuance of the decision of the Educational and Methodological Association for the group of specialties «Education» of the Republican Training and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 8, 2017, the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai was established and from February 15 to February 17 of this year the working group for the development 23 educational programs for the training of pedagogical personnel. The urgency of creating new educational programs is determined by the introduction of updated content in the country`s secondary education system.

On 15 February 2018, at the conference hall of KazNPU hosted the first meeting of the working group, organized by EMA RTMC for the group of specialties «Education», where the issue of the structure and content of new educational programs was discussed. The meeting was attended by 57 representatives of KazNPU, 61 people from 25 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5 people from Altynsarin NAE and Nazarbayev Intellectual School.

In the introductory speech, the vice-rector for educational and methodical work KazNPU Gabit Kenzhebaev outlined the importance of developing educational programs of pedagogical specialties in accordance with modern requirements for the training of specialists ready to implement the updated content in the education system.

Participants of the meeting were presented with a presentation «The updated content system» by the director of the Center for the Translation of the Updated Education Content, Almagul Mukhamedkhanova.

The presentation «About the updated content of secondary education» was made by Askhat Alimov, senior manager of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of Nazarbayev Intellectual School.

On 17 February, at the closing session, the results of a three-day work on educational programs for the training of teaching staff were summed up.

In the future, this work will continue online. It is planned that 231 people will take part in it.