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International Kazakh-Russian seminar «Digital University»

At Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, on 21 - 23 February 2018, within the framework of realization of President Nursultan Nazarbayev`s Address «New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution» and support of the State Program «Digital Kazakhstan», an international Kazakh-Russian seminar «Digital University» was held.

The purpose of the international seminar is to discuss the essence, specificity and technology of the digital university, the opening of an international laboratory for the problems of the informatization of education and educational technologies at KazNPU.

In the work of the international seminar, the rector of KazNPU Takir Balykbayev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University Sergey Grigoriev (Moscow), Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Vadim Grinshkun, Professor V.P. Astafieva KSPU. Nikolay Pak (Krasnoyarsk), the first vice-rector of KazNPU Maktagali Bektemesov, Academician of RAEO, Professor KazNPU Yesen Bidaybekov, Professor of KazNPU Bakhytzhan Akhmetov, representatives of the KazNITU and KazNU, JSC NCE «Orleu» IE PW, graduate of the advanced training course at the University of Texas on the international program «Bolashak» Gulzada Serzhan.

In his welcoming speech, rector Takir Balykbayev noted the special importance of the three-day seminar: «Education and science are the main factors in the development of the country`s social and economic capital. As the experience of developed and developing countries shows, the introduction of digital educational technologies will contribute to the integration of the information infrastructure of the education of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the world educational environment. The seminar is an important event in the life of the University, which, undoubtedly, will contribute to the improvement of the research process, will create incentives for further fruitful work. A constructive discussion of the issues of the use of digital technologies in education will allow developing practical recommendations that will serve as the basis and determine the direction of research of a new laboratory. Opening on the basis of our university together with partners - Moscow City Pedagogical University, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University - the international scientific laboratory of the problems of the informatization of education and educational technologies will allow to unite efforts over a rather complex but achievable task of digital transformation of education».

In their speeches Professor MGPU Sergei Grigoriev, Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Vadim Grinshkun and Professor KSPU Nikolay Pak talked about the peculiarities of digital information processing, about software for teachers, the development of research skills using STEM-technologies (STEM-science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and system approaches to informing the university within the framework of the formation of the information educational environment of the digital university, about 40 ideas of «digitalization» of the university, about the organization and carrying out of mega-lessons in the conditions of the globalization of education. It was also proposed in the establishment of KazNPU as a digital pedagogical university to conduct courses «Digital technologies in education».

In general, the seminar discussed theoretical and practical approaches to the creation of a digital university; the formation of a system for training teachers for the effective use of digital technologies in education; technologies and means of preparing students in a digital university. Also, within the framework of the three-day seminar, three roundtables were organized.

Summing up the seminar, rector Takir Balykbayev emphasized that KazNPU, being the center of pedagogical education, should become a model of digital pedagogical university. To this end, attention will be paid to the development of STEM-technologies, as well as support for the development of young scientists in the field of robotics. Takir Balykbayev thanked the organizers and all participants of this seminar for productive dialogue and wished fruitful work of the new scientific laboratory. At the end of the event, the participants of the seminar were awarded certificates.














Department of Public Relations