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The opening of the exhibition «Rukhani zhanguirudaguy ulttik oner»


On the eve of Nauryz holiday on March 16, 2018 at the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan the opening of the exhibition of works of art «Rukhani zhanguirudaguy ulttik oner» dedicated to the anniversary - the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU.


The rector of the University Takir Balykbaev made the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the deputy director of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Beibitkali Kakabaev, the deputy director of the Department of Culture and Archives of Almaty Daniyar Aliev, the deputy of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erbolat Tolebai, the honored figure of Kazakhstan, the academician of the Russian Academy of Art Baitursyn Omirbekov, President of the specialized institution of the United Nations Organizations Gani Beysenbaev, Deputy Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Omirbek Zhubaniyazov.


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is the first higher educational institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, founded in 1928 as the Kazakh State University. In 1930, in the interests of intensive development of public education, the name of the university was replaced by the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute (KazPI). Given the status of the university and its strategic importance in the training of professional teachers, in 1935 the institute was named after Abai Kunanbayev. In these years at the Institute, outstanding scientists and cultural figures lectured: Saken Seyfullin, Temirbek Zhurgenov, Uraz Zhandosov, Mukhtar Auezov, Sabit Mukanov, Belgibay Shalabaev, Kudaibergen Zhubanov, and others. For 90 years of its existence the university has become one of the main domestic centers of the country`s pedagogical science. The names of many of its teachers and graduates are written in gold letters in our common history.


In 1969, KazPI named after Abai opened the graphic arts faculty, which trained teachers of fine arts and drawing, many of whom became professional artists later. Among the graduates of the faculty are Erbolat Tulepbai, Darkenbai Shokparuly, Nikolai Zhuravlev, Alexander Brener, Moldakul Narymbetov, Esengali Sadyrbaev and others.


In 2014, the Art and Graphic Faculty was transformed into the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports, which in 2017 was given the status of the UNESCO Club.


By now the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports of KazNPU named after Abay has achieved significant results both in the field of training specialists and in the field of popularization of national and world artistic culture. Many graduates of the Institute became laureates of international and republican festivals and competitions: Shabyt, Serper, Daryn, Sheber, Zhas zholdyz, etc. Creative work of teachers, graduates and students of the Institute can be found not only in the republican galleries, but also in the galleries of Sweden, Turkey, France, South Korea, the United States, Russia, the Czech Republic, Canada, Oman, Malaysia, India and many other countries.


Today professional art education is not only a key stimulus for the development of creative potential, but also an essential factor in modernizing the consciousness of the people of Kazakhstan, the upbringing of new Kazakhstan patriotism, the regeneration of ethnic memory and cultural code.


The exhibition «Rukhani zhanguirudaguy ulttik oner» gives an opportunity to see previously unexposed creative works of teachers and students of the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports of KazNPU- painting, graphics, sculptures and applied works. Portraits, still lifes, landscapes, genre compositions and works of applied art, created by teachers and students, allow you to see and appreciate all the richness, beauty and versatility of the national culture.


The exhibition aroused great interest and positive feedback from a wide range of public. It was visited by more than 600 people.


The exhibition will last until March 25, 2018.